As you know, water is one of the most important factors for plant growth. However, not every ingredient in water is good for plant growth. We’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about the water in the turtle tank and its connection to plants. Is turtle water good for plants?
The water in the turtle tank is usually tap water that has been treated with chemicals and other additives to make it safe for turtles. Because tap water contains many chemicals that will affect the turtle’s aquatic environment. Therefore, many people wonder about whether to use the water in the turtle tank to irrigate the plants. What plants can I water in my turtle tank?
To answer these questions, let’s learn about the advantages and disadvantages of turtle tank water for plants.
Is Turtle Water Good For Plants? (Advantages And Disadvantages)
The answer is YES!
The water in the turtle tank will stimulate the growth of plants very well. It contains nutrients such as calcium and magnesium, which are essential for the growth and survival of plants in nature. To dig deeper, we need to study the advantages and disadvantages of this type of water.

Advantages Of Water In A Turtle Tank
Alkaline water stimulates the production of chlorophyll: For plants to grow and develop at their best, keeping the environment sufficiently watered and ideal humidity is an important factor. Nowadays, you can find many products or techniques to help with this process such as using distilled or alkaline water to irrigate plants.
The ideal pH of the water in the turtle tank is between 7.4-8 (Alkaline environment). Alkaline water is rich in minerals such as magnesium, which helps to produce chlorophyll, and green pigment (Pigment present in all leaves) Therefore, the alkaline nature of the water of the turtle tank is very beneficial for the growth of the turtles. plant.
Use as natural fertilizer: It’s great when you use the water in the turtle tank to irrigate plants because it already contains a good amount of natural fertilizer. You will save time and money instead of having to constantly buy chemical fertilizers and blended formulas in the market. Water in a turtle tank can release important nutrients like potassium and calcium. They will help plants grow and develop better.
Disadvantages Of Water In A Turtle Tank
Too much ammonia: One of the biggest downsides to using water in a turtle tank is a large amount of ammonia. Turtles can release large amounts of ammonia in the water. Therefore, this substance may be harmful to some plants. Ammonia can also cause leaf burn in certain plants. However, this substance is not harmful to all plants. If you’re using this as a natural fertilizer, you need to learn about the plant’s properties before watering or always have a backup plan to deal with the unexpected.
Turtles are carriers of Salmonella: One of the reasons you shouldn’t use the water in your turtle tank to water vegetables or herbs is because turtles contain Salmonella bacteria. If the turtle is sick and contains bacteria, the water in the turtle tank is also a source of dangerous diseases for humans. Therefore, you should not water the turtle tank with vegetables or herbs, especially vegetables and herbs for direct and unprocessed use.
Can I Grow Plants In A Turtle Tank?
You can plant plants in a turtle tank to improve the water condition as well as bring health benefits to the surrounding environment. Turtles can make their nitrogen cycle, so you’ll need both live aquatic plants (aerators) and perennials. In particular, turtles also like certain plants and consume them daily as a salad in their meals. Plants will also help purify and improve the quality of water released by turtles.
However, you should only choose plants that can live in a good aquatic environment and require little maintenance. Because when plants are in the water, it will be difficult for you to prune or fertilize them. Improper fertilizer will harm the health of turtles and affect the water environment in the tank.
Some plants you can grow in a turtle tank are:
Java Ferns will be the most ideal choice for growing in a turtle tank. They are a plant with intense vitality and the ability to survive in all the harshest living conditions. Java Ferns have the best ability to survive in turtle tanks with a variety of sizes. In particular, this plant also has the important task to filter pollutants in the water.
Java Moss is also another great plant choice for your turtle tank. Java moss is easy to grow and is effective in purifying water contaminants and improving turtle health. The advantage is that Java moss can survive at any water quality level. So they can adapt to any kind of environment and don’t need much time to take care of. However, if you grow these plants, provide them with dim light because they will not grow in low light.
Anubias Nana is a freshwater plant with a sturdy root system that grows to a large size. So your turtle won’t want to get close to or destroy them. In particular, their leaves are also not in the interest of turtles to consume them.
Waterweed is a plant that turtles love to hide and play with. Turtles will seek shelter in the clumps of water and limit movement in the tank. In particular, they also create a beautiful green space in your turtle habitat and indoor landscape.
The water in the turtle tank is very good for the growth and development of plants. Some of the great benefits of watering in a turtle tank for plants include stimulating plant growth as a natural fertilizer and chlorophyll production. However, this method also has some disadvantages such as ammonia. This substance can be harmful to some plants, but not all.
To purify pollutants and improve water quality in your turtle tank, you can grow some aquatic or semi-aquatic plants like Java Ferns, Java Moss, Anubias nana, and Waterweed. These plants will thrive without much care if you provide adequate light and proper humidity.