Have you ever been immersed in the beauty of the purple leaves of Oxalis? Plants with purple flowers and beautiful white flowers are always one of the eye-catching accents in every home. The whole plant resembles a large bouquet with vibrant colors like hydrangeas.
Oxalis is easy to grow and grows well in difficult conditions. Therefore, many people love to plant this plant in their homes or office to create landscapes and accents for space. However, the phenomenon of leaves drooping Oxalis will happen very often during the process of growing this plant.
Why is my oxalis drooping? This will be the question you will have to ask yourself when you encounter this situation for the first time. It’s like the whole tree has died and can’t be resurrected. What is the cause of this phenomenon? How to prevent and fix it? Let’s find the detailed answer in the article below.
Why Is My Oxalis Drooping? Top 8 Reasons And How To Fix
A drooping, floppy, and faded oxalis plant can have a variety of causes. However, you can check out these top 8 causes if this plant has drooped. The underlying reasons include such as dormancy, improper watering, lack of sunlight, low humidity, soil that drains too quickly, leaf dirt, excessive stress, or pest infestation. Let’s take a closer look at the reasons below.

Hibernation is a common phenomenon in many plants, and so is oxalis. During hibernation, extreme cold or frost will cause the oxalis’ leaves to droop or soften. During this time, you do not need to water continuously or stimulate the plants to grow back. Because they will resurrect themselves when spring comes.
Once the temperature has warmed up, you’ll start watering again as the soil dries and remove any old or dead leaves from the extreme cold. You then place the pot in a cool, dark location to stimulate new leaf and stem growth. After a few weeks, your oxalis plant will revive with vibrant leaves.
Improper Watering
Too little water or too much water can also cause plants to droop due to soft stems and leaves. Watering too little will also cause the plants to lack water, wither and droop around the pot. Therefore, you should not water according to a fixed schedule or time. Instead, you should water according to your plant’s needs and actual weather conditions.
Oxalis is a plant that loves slightly moist soil, so you should water it every two weeks. You need to note the following important information before watering:
- You need to measure the soil moisture before watering with a hygrometer or using your finger.
- If the soil has dried by about two finger inches, you can start watering the plants.
- You should water slowly and water a large amount at a time until excess water drains out of the drain hole.
- Between waterings, you should allow the soil to dry out 2-3 inches to avoid waterlogging and root rot.
- Oxalis does not need to use much water during the growing season so you should only water 2-3 times per month.
Lack Of Sunlight
Lack of sunlight is also what causes Oxalis to droop or fade. The reason is that the plant cannot photosynthesize due to lack of light and loses the color of its leaves. Lack of light also causes the photosynthesis and metabolism of plants to slow down.
Therefore, you should move the potted plant to a location with better sunlight. Because Oxalis is a plant that loves direct sunlight. They will not be able to grow and develop well in low light conditions. You should place the potted plant near a north or east window. However, you should not put them in direct sunlight for many hours because their leaves will burn.
Low Humidity
Another cause of Oxalis drooping and wilting is low humidity. This plant will grow and develop well in conditions of humidity of 50% or more. This humidity is ideal for Oxalis for adequate transpiration. If the humidity in your home or office is below 50%, you should use a humidifier to increase the humidity.
Alternatively, you can also place the potted plant on cobblestone trays or near the aquarium to improve humidity. You can also place pots next to each other to limit transpiration and the use of moisture in the air. This plant, when given the ideal moisture back, will recover in about a week or so.
The Soil Mixture Drains Too Quickly
If you water your Oxalis regularly and it’s still drooping and fading, you need to check your potting mix. A possible cause of plants not getting enough water is that the potting soil drains too quickly. As a result, the water content in the leaves and branches will be reduced leading to the entire plant fading and drooping around the pot.
So you need to create a potting mix that has the right drainage. You need to use nutrient-rich soil because it drains well but not too quickly. The ideal potting mix is nutrient-rich soil, moss, and peat.
Dirt Accumulates On Leaves Too Much
When dirt accumulates on leaves, it prevents photosynthesis and metabolism of leaves and stems in the sun. In particular, it also disrupts the rate of transpiration of plants. As a result, the entire plant’s leaves will droop, soften, and wilt.
You should regularly clean both sides of the leaves to avoid dirt, insect eggs, or parasitic fungi. You should take a sponge or a soft microfiber cloth to wipe both sides of the leaves.
Excessive Stress Due To Implants
Implants also cause Oxalis to droop and look lifeless. However, it is completely normal when you transplant or plant a new one. Because plants need time to adapt to their new environment. The root system will need time to attach to the soil, absorbing water and nutrients to nourish the plants.
You need to wait and observe the growth of plants to get the best care. Keep your plants in a location with full sun and water. After a few days, the plants will respawn naturally.
Destructive Pests
Pests and pests will cause serious damage to plants. Therefore, you need to regularly check the markings on the leaves. Tiny holes, brown, and yellow spots, or plastic melt will also cause Oxalis to wilt. Some insects such as aphids, jumping beetles, and flies… will also attack the leaves of plants.
To prevent insects and pests, you should regularly clean the leaves and potted plants. Use soaps or neem oil to get rid of pests. In addition, if the plants have been heavily damaged by pests, you need to use specialized sprays.
Oxalis is one of those plants that many people love to grow indoors. Because the plant is very easy to grow and care for, it has a beautiful color and leaves like triangles. They will attract viewers from all angles as they resemble a giant flower.
You don’t need to spend a lot of effort and fertilizer to care for Oxalis. However, you also need to pay attention to the phenomenon of trees drooping due to different reasons. Some of the underlying causes are hibernation, improper watering, pest infestation, transplanting, lack of sun, lack of water, or inappropriate humidity.