5 Facts on Environment Every Kid Should Know

It’s never too early to start teaching kids about the environment and how to take care of it. In fact, the earlier they learn, the better. 

Check out these five facts that every kid should know about the environment.

1. Oceans are getting polluted

The world’s oceans are in trouble. Every year, about eight million tonnes of plastic are dumped into them. That’s the equivalent of dumping a garbage truck full of plastic into the ocean every minute. And it’s causing big problems.

The biggest problem with all this plastic is that it doesn’t biodegrade. That means it doesn’t break down and decompose as organic materials do. It just keeps piling up, and as it does, it causes all sorts of environmental damage.

Not only does all that plastic look terrible, but it also kills marine life, clogs up waterways, and ruins ecosystems. If we don’t start doing something about this soon, the world’s oceans could be completely filled with plastic in the future.

Many companies are now using biodegradable materials for their packaging, and this is a good thing. Not only does it help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in our landfills and oceans, but it also helps reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Biodegradable packaging is made from materials that can decompose naturally. This means that they won’t add to the amount of plastic in our oceans and landfills, and they won’t release harmful toxins into the environment.

There are a number of different biodegradable materials that can be used for packaging, including paper, cardboard, sugar cane, and cornstarch. Some companies are also using biodegradable plastics, which are made from plant-based materials like corn and soy.

When choosing products with biodegradable packaging, it’s important to make sure that the packaging is actually biodegradable. There are a lot of products on the market that claim to be biodegradable, but they’re actually not. So be sure to do your research before you buy!

2. Temperature Is Rising

The global temperature has increased by about 1°C in the last 100 years. This, of course, is a huge problem because it’s causing all sorts of environmental damage.

The main reason the global temperature has been increasing for the past hundred years or so is because of human activity. We’ve been burning fossil fuels like coal and oil at an unprecedented rate, and this has resulted in an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases are those that trap heat from the sun and cause it to accumulate in Earth’s atmosphere.

5 Facts on Environment Every Kid Should Know

The consequences of climate change are already being felt around the world. For example, we’re seeing more extreme weather events like hurricanes and typhoons, which can cause a lot of damage. In addition, sea levels are rising and glaciers are melting, which could lead to a rise in ocean levels that would flood coastal areas.

We need to take action now if we want to prevent the worst effects of climate change from happening. That means reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and investing more in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. It also means taking measures to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, like planting trees or using more efficient cars.

3. Coral Reefs are Destroyed – Irreversibly 

Approximately 25% of the world’s coral reefs have been irreversibly destroyed. This is a huge problem, not only because it means that we’re losing one of the most beautiful and diverse ecosystems on Earth, but also because coral reefs are important for marine life and the economy.

Coral reefs provide a habitat for a wide variety of marine life, including fish, crabs, lobsters, and sea turtles. In fact, it’s estimated that one in four marine species depends on coral reefs for food or shelter. And when you lose coral reefs, you lose all those species too.

But it’s not just marine life that depends on coral reefs. They also play an important role in the economy. For example, they attract tourism dollars from people who want to see their beauty firsthand. They also help protect coastal areas from storms and erosion.

So why are we allowing this to happen? There are many reasons, but the chief among them is climate change. As the Earth warms up, corals are becoming increasingly stressed and are more susceptible to bleaching – which is when they expel the algae that live inside them and give them their coloration.

4. Landfills are a Big Problem

Every day, humans produce a staggering amount of waste.

In fact, we generate so much trash that we send over 2 million tonnes of it to landfills each year. And this number is only going to increase in the future as our population continues to grow.

5 Facts on Environment Every Kid Should Know

This is a huge problem because landfilling waste is not an effective or sustainable way to deal with it. For one thing, it takes up valuable space in landfills – space that could be used for other purposes.

What’s more, when you bury garbage in a landfill, it creates methane gas. Methane gas is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes significantly to climate change. In fact, landfilled waste accounts for about 18% of all human-generated greenhouse gas emissions.

5. We Don’t Recycle All of Our Waste

We’re generating so much trash that we send over 2 million tonnes of it to landfills each year. And this number is only going to increase in the future as our population continues to grow.

This is a huge problem because landfilling waste is not an effective or sustainable way to deal with it. For one thing, it takes up valuable space in landfills – space that could be used for other purposes.

What’s more, when you bury garbage in a landfill, it creates methane gas. Methane gas is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes significantly to climate change. In fact, landfilled waste accounts for about 18% of all human-generated greenhouse gas emissions.

We need to find a better way to deal with our waste and recycling is the answer. Recycling helps us reduce the amount of waste we produce and also cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions. It’s a win-win solution for the environment and the economy.


We hope you enjoyed this overview of five important facts about the environment that every kid should know. We believe that arming children with knowledge is one of the best ways to help them make informed decisions as they grow older and become more involved in their communities.

And don’t forget to spread the word—the more people who know about these issues, the better chance we have at making a difference!

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