The consumption of meat and other animal products has reached a much intense level of demand!
It only proves that animal raising seemed to be a sound investment with high potential returns aside from real estate, cryptocurrencies, stocks, and other commodities. The agriculture industry is impossible to get wiped out of the market. Yet, at the same time, this is also one of the most underrated industries in the market.
This paradoxical idea clearly shows that there may be some factors why many business makers don’t jive with the rhythm of the plant and animal product industry. One major factor to point out is the immense sense of distress that most people feel when it comes down to exploring the process of raising animals.
People have this misconception that animal raising and maintenance are way too complicated to digest in mind. The truth is, this is far from the truth. Once you acquire the proper knowledge and skills, everything flows with ease. But first, you must dive into each of the components of animal raising.
If you ever want to get involved in farming and animal raising, you must know that the most critical aspect of animal raising is choosing the appropriate animal feeds. This area requires a subpar level of attention because the quality of your animal feeds largely determines success in this line of business. A systematic approach is highly needed to win this game.
Below are 5 must-know tips towards having a successful animal feeding system.

1. Never disregard the nutritional value of your animal feed.
Think about this, the overall health of your animals must be your primary concern. The main reason why you have to pay attention to the nutritional value of your feeds. If you don’t, your animals will suffer, and your business will gradually deteriorate. It will turn the odds against you. Always be selective and only pick the finest feeds made with proven formulations.
The size and quality of your animals primarily depend on the feeds that you provide to them. Logically, your profits are also dependent on the feeds. There are feeds available in the market that supply enough energy and nutrients for your animals to protect them against diseases and help them grow lean and healthy.
Another thing that deserves our attention is the compatibility of the feeds to our animals. Often, animals may cut down in weight and size due to a lack of appetite. It is unpleasant to watch your farm animals hardly enjoying their meal. Similar to humans, animals have taste preferences, too. You have to take this fact by heart because this is a prevalent problem that most livestock raisers don’t know. Leftover feeds are considered wasted money. Choose an animal feed that is good for the taste buds of your animals.
2. Always Consider the Cost Reduction Process.
Another factor that is worth pinpointing here is the importance of examining every corner of your expenditure. Once an animal raiser does not take the trouble to conduct an in-depth cost analysis, tiny bits of excess expenses will discreetly destroy the foundation of the whole business. This principle could save you from excess and unnecessary expenditure. Living with this principle in mind will prevent you from suffering huge losses and costly mistakes that are sometimes unrepairable.
Spend at least two hours reviewing your animal feeding routine, perform some minor tweaks to cut down the total cost of expenses for the feeds. On a piece of paper, list down every part of your total expenses in a detailed fashion. Inspect each of them and be creative in cutting down even a small percentage for each spending. After that, exert an ample amount of time and effort in trying to spot some tiny holes in your feeding expenses. Eliminate anything that is not necessary and the ones that only manifest little, positive results. And also, when a type of feed, animal supplement, or anything related to your animal feeding system had some history of consecutively failing to meet your desired expectations. Pluck it out of the equation.
3. Use functional materials that promote ease and comfort in feeding your animals.
Numerous discoveries and inventions have emerged in the agricultural industry, including machinery, tools, and other materials for more efficient feeding. Using such materials would make it a lot easier for you to feed your animals. Plus, keeping track of the accurate ratio of feeds and water can also be taken care of when you utilize such tools.
One example of these tools is a feed mill or a mechanical water system that provides water for your animals with only minimal effort. These things will make a huge difference not just with the amount of labor but also with the cleanliness and orderliness of your facilities. Investing in such feeding materials will pay off significant dividends in the long run.
4. Accurate measurement of animal feeds per mealtime.
The word ‘accuracy’ can equate to the term ‘efficiency.’ There must be a sense of accuracy regarding the ratio and proportion of the animal feeds. Less can be detrimental, and more can be costly. Both can cause terrible effects on your animals and your business as well. In contrast to the other livestock raisers, a wise animal raiser will devise a correct ratio for the distribution of animal feeds per animal, and of course, while being mindful of the number of meal times per day.
The significance of this concept can manifest itself immediately on the amount of increase in your profit. The more mindful you are with ratio and measurement, the more systematic your feeding routine is. What’s more, this gives you total control over your animal feed expenses compared to simply eyeballing the number of feeds per mealtime. Sometimes, hindsight can be a parasite. Mindless feeding is just another form of wasting. Make your every move measurable and calculated. That is how you win in this business.
5. Create a regular facility and animal-health maintenance routine and pledge to stick with it.
An animal feeding system is inefficient without a consistent facility and animal-health maintenance routine. It is like icing on a cake—a creative act of preventing problems that can dissolve the fruitage of your efforts and investments. You must check your space and facilities regularly. Aside from that, you must also perform a regular health check for your livestock animals.
The cost of health and facility maintenance is small enough compared to the terror of spending massive amounts of money when random negative events strike your business. By following this simple strategy, you set yourself apart from thousands of your competitors. In addition, this can also be used as an additional marketing instrument because it elucidates a market image of having carefully and regularly checked products from time to time. It promotes the idea of the safety and reliability of your brand, especially when it is well-documented.
Strategizing an animal feeding system is not easy. It requires time and effort, but the reward is pleasurable. The primary objective here is to build an effective animal feeding system that beneficiates all the components of animal raising. Lastly, don’t forget about the significance of using animal feeds with particular types of formulation proven to be effective globally.
World-class agricultural products are the signature of Nanapan Group of Companies. We are continually maximizing our efforts in providing value to the lives of farmers, animal raisers, and business makers in different parts of the world. Our pleasure is to offer award-winning products guaranteed to take your agricultural business to a whole new level.
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