What Is The Best Soil For ZZ Plant? (How To Mix)

Zamiokulkas zamiifolia, also abbreviated as ZZ plant, is a popular ornamental plant in offices around the world.

This plant is easy to grow, easy to care for, does not take much care, and tolerates poor soil. However, if the soil composition is ideal, the ZZ plant will grow and develop stronger.

What is the best soil for the ZZ plant? How to mix the most ideal soil mix for this plant? Let’s learn more about the ZZ plant in this article.

What is the best soil for the ZZ plant?

As you know, soil plays a very important role in plant growth. Soil contains minerals and organic matter as a source of nutrients for plants during growth.

In addition, each plant has a preference for a suitable pH, so before planting any plant species, you also need to learn about their soil composition and ideal pH.

best soil for zz plant

The best soil for ZZ plant

ZZ plants will grow and develop best in soil conditions with appropriate moisture and good drainage. This plant prefers a soil mixture with a slightly acidic pH in the range of 6.0-7.0.

The ideal soil mix for this plant is part coarse sand and part perlite. This is the soil mix that is best suited to root systems like the small potatoes of the ZZ plant.

Soil can hold moisture and drain well

ZZ plant is famous for its ability to withstand drought and heat. You may not need to water them for 3-4 weeks. The root system of this plant is shaped like small potatoes. So they can store water and use it in times of water shortage.

ZZ plants can quickly develop root rot if the soil is poorly drained. Frequent waterlogging leads to the growth of fungi and pests. They will make the root rot and rot the branches.

From there, the ZZ plant will not be able to get nutrients as well as too much water to the stem and leaves. Stems and leaves will be soft, mushy, and broken. Over-watering will keep the surface of the soil moist and sticky, leading to poor drainage.

You must check the moisture in the soil before watering. You should only water when the surface of the soil is 1-2 inches dry. Water slowly and remove excess water from the surface of the soil to prevent fungal growth.

How to create an ideal soil mix for the ZZ plant?

For ZZ plants to grow healthy and grow at their best, you need to mix the right soil mix for them. You should choose a soil with a porous texture, containing natural organic substances.

Moss or peat is also a good choice because they have a fine grain and coarse texture. This will help retain water and nutrients for the ZZ plant.

The composition of the soil mixture should contain some garden sand. These sands often contain crushed rock such as quartz, granite, or sandstone.

Coir is also a good choice as they have moss or peat-like texture. This is beneficial for the process of retaining moisture and nutrients for plants.

You can use pine bark, a mixture of small pieces of conifers such as cycads, pines, and spruces. These types of bark have a high percentage of lignin, so they are effective in preventing soil compaction and providing air in gaps.

Perlite is a very porous stone, it does not absorb water so it has a great effect on air supply and good drainage.

Therefore, an ideal mixture consists of

  • Your favorite all-purpose potting mix (two parts)
  • Sands containing rubble (partially)
  • Perlite, coir, pine bark (partial)

If you do not want to mix the soil yourself, you can refer to some pre-mixed and suitable soil types for ZZ plants such as:

  • The soil in the gourd in the ocean forest
  • Espoma Organic Cactus Blend
  • FoxFarm Happy Frog Potting Soil

How to substitute potting soil for the ZZ plant

ZZ plant is the favorite plant of many people in the home or office. Therefore, people often grow them in pots of different sizes. At each growth stage, the ZZ plant needs a pot with a different size and amount of soil.

When the pot has become overcrowded, you need to do a new repotting for the ZZ plant. Some notes you need to pay attention to when changing a new pot are as follows:

  • You grasp all the branches near the base of the ZZ plant, then turn the pot upside down. This will relieve pressure on the root system when pulled directly from the bottom to the top.
  • Slowly pull the entire root system out, avoiding breaking the root branches.
  • Normally, when repotting, you should use a new soil mix. The reason is that the soil in the old pot has been eroded, so the appropriate amount of soil is not guaranteed. In particular, nutrients and pH can be changed over the long term.
  • Use a new soil mix with the right standards for the ZZ plant and place the plant gently in the soil.
  • Make sure the soil covers the root and root system, water slowly to check the compaction of the soil. Add more soil if the root is not covered.
  • Check and monitor the ability to retain moisture and drain water in the pot, avoid waterlogging or too fast drainage.
  • Fertilize once every 6 months with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content in the ratio of 20-20-20 to increase soil nutrients.

Read also: Does Potting Soil Go Bad? The Answers Here


ZZ plant is a plant that can live in nutrient-poor soil conditions. However, to ensure the best development and growth, you should combine ingredients such as moss, coir, natural organic matter, sand, gravel, perlite, and pine bark to create porosity, limited soil compaction, and good drainage.

You should only water when the ground is dry by testing the moisture in the soil. Avoid waterlogging and poor drainage that leads to root rot and stem rot. In addition, you should pay attention to the problem of fertilizing the soil to provide nutrients for plants.

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