Brown Spots On Birkin Leaves – How To Fix Them?

Philodendron Birkin is one of the most popular plants in recent times. Their beauty lies in the large green leaves, the white stripes running all over the leaves create a beautiful picture. In particular, each leaf has a different texture. So you will always be able to admire the unique leaves and their changes throughout the year.

However, when you grow Philodendron Birkin, brown spots on Birkin leaves will be one of the common problems that you need to pay attention to. Why do these brown spots appear on Birkin leaves? How to overcome and prevent brown spot disease? Let’s find out more information in the article below.

Top 6 Reasons For Brown Spots On Birkin Leaves

Philodendron Birkin is a plant with stiff stems and relatively thick and hardy leaves. They can survive and adapt to many different habitats. However, if you do not provide a suitable habitat for this plant, they will give early warnings such as brown spots on the leaves.

Some common causes of brown spots on leaves include over-watering, lack of water, pest attack, leaf burn, transplant shock, or fungal diseases. Here are some of the most common causes you should look out for when growing a Philodendron Birkin indoors.

brown spots on birkin leaves


Over-watering plants will lead to waterlogging due to poor drainage. Excess water cannot drain out of the pot and settles on the surface of the soil. From there, water will cover every cell of the plant and prevent them from absorbing oxygen or nutrients.

The entire stem and leaves will be swollen, limp and rotten. However, if you pay close attention to the brown spots on the leaves, you can still revive the Philodendron Birkin. Because brown spots are an early warning sign of waterlogging and root rot.

How to fix it?

  • You should stop watering and stimulate excess water to drain out.
  • Open drainage holes to help plants absorb oxygen.
  • Check the root system and remove rotting branches.
  • Place the pot in a place with warm sunlight and good air circulation.
  • Do not place the pot in direct sunlight with strong intensity.
  • You should only water again when the soil is 1-2 inches dry.
  • Water according to the actual needs of the plants rather than on a schedule.
  • Control the amount of water to water each time and make sure the soil drains well.

Lack Of Water

One of the other common causes of brown spots on the leaves of Philodendron Birkin is a lack of water. Lack of water causes leaves to appear brown, brittle, and crumble to the touch. You will see the leaves and stems show signs of wilting, and drooping, and the leaves turning yellow.

Plants can completely revive and grow normally if they are watered in time before the cells die. So you need to check the moisture in the soil with a moisture meter or use your finger. Once the ground is 1-2 inches dry, you should water the plants.

How to fix it?

  • Move the pot to a shaded area to minimize leaf evaporation through the stomata.
  • Water the plants with a large amount of water to quench their thirst of the plants.
  • You should water slowly with a large amount of water so that the water completely soaks into the soil.
  • Mist the leaves to provide temporary moisture and prevent leaves from falling.
  • For the first few days, you can water continuously whenever the ground is dry.
  • Reduce the frequency of watering after the plants have recovered and the leaves have regained consciousness.

Insect Problem

If the Philodendron Birkin shows no signs of waterlogging or lack of water and brown spots still appear on the leaves, you should pay attention to an insect problem. Certain insects such as aphids, thrips, beetles, or spiders can all attack your plants when they get the chance.

However, spiders are insects that frequently attack the leaves of Philodendron Birkin. Spiders will attack plants in groups and suck nutrients directly from the leaves. From there, the dead cells will wither and brown spots appear on the leaves. The spider’s attack speed is very fast and causes a severe degree of damage.

Meanwhile, thrips are also a fearsome enemy of Philodendron Birkin. They also attack plants in large numbers and often hide in the crevices of leaves. Thrips directly inject the poison and suck the sap on the leaves and produce brown spots.

How to fix it?

  • You need to remove the leaves that are attacked by insects because the poison can spread.
  • Clean the leaves on both sides with insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  • Use traps or kill them manually.
  • If the condition is more severe, you should use a chemical insecticide to prevent reinfection.

Fungal Diseases

Mushrooms have always been one of the number one enemies of plants and especially Philodendron Birkin. The fungus can produce brown, black, yellow, orange, or white spots on leaves. There are many different types of fungi and their degree of damage also varies.

Fungi often appear in humid environments, poor air circulation, and especially waterlogging. They will attack plants and spread rapidly to the entire leaf. In particular, the survival environment of fungi is very diverse from air, soil, or water. Many types of fungi can survive for a long time in the soil even if we regularly clean the soil and disinfect it.

How to fix it?

  • Prune all leaves with brown spots caused by the fungus to avoid spreading to the entire plant.
  • Keep the soil environment dry with good air circulation to avoid spores from airborne fungi.
  • Use fungicides to spray the leaves.
  • Regularly clean leaves and remove brown or white patches on leaves.


Brown spots on leaves can also be the result of sunburn if you leave the potted plant in direct sunlight for hours at a time. Most indoor plants will have less tolerance to direct sunlight than they would if they were in their natural environment.

Philodendron Birkin will thrive in indirect sunlight and requires a minimum of 12 hours of light per day. However, this plant will not be able to withstand direct sunlight with intense intensity. Leaves and entire stems will begin to wither due to the rapid evaporation of water through the stomata in the leaves. Brown spots will appear on leaves or large brown patches if the area of contact between leaves and direct sunlight is large. They will become brittle and crumble when you touch them.

How to fix it?

  • You should move the potted plant into a shady area to minimize stress on the plants.
  • Water plants to help leaves and stems absorb water to revive.
  • Mist to provide temporary moisture and refreshment to leaves.
  • Large brown spots or patches will not revive, so you should remove them to avoid loss of aesthetics.
  • You should place the potted plant near an east- or west-facing window and at least one meter away.
  • Make sure plants receive 12 to 13 hours of indirect sunlight each day.

Shock Due To Transplant Or Repossession

Transplanting or sudden habitat changes also cause serious stress to plants. You need to do the transplant or repotting process according to a standard to avoid creating pressure on the plants.

About 24 hours after transplanting or repotting, some signs of stress such as brown spots appear on the leaves. They are early warning signs of the stress plants are under and some of the cells on the leaves have died.

How to fix it?

  • When changing to a new habitat, you need to give plants time to adapt.
  • Make sure the potting soil drains well when repotting to avoid waterlogging.
  • Minimize root cutting or damage to root branches.
  • Use scissors or sterilized tools to avoid creating multiple open wounds.
  • Place the pot in a place with the right temperature and humidity.


Brown spots on the leaves of Philodendron Birkin are early warning signs of several problems such as waterlogging due to over-watering, lack of water, insect attack, fungal disease, sunburn, or transplant shock. These brown spots are relatively difficult to spot if you don’t look closely because they blend in with the striped spots on the leaves.

For each cause, you need effective prevention and remedial measures. The degree of the revival of the Philodendron Birkin will depend on the condition of brown spots on the leaves.

For the best development of Philodendron Birkin, you should water according to the needs of the plant when the ground is dry, regularly clean the leaves on both sides, the soil is well drained to avoid waterlogging that causes fungus to grow, place the potted plant. Stay close to a window for 12-13 hours of indirect sunlight each day, avoid indirect sunlight, and follow standards during the transplant process.

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