How to Spot Cal Mag Deficiency During Flowering? (Explained)

In this article, we will try to present the importance of cal-mag for plants and the effect of Cal Mag deficiency during flowering on plants. If you have recognized the symptoms of this deficiecy in your plants, you need to react quickly to save the bloom.

The most important effect is in the preventive action itself, so you should take all the necessary precautions at the right time. We hope that you will learn some new information about these crucial macronutrients for plants that will be useful to you in the future.

Importance of Cal Mag For Plants

Plants need macro and microelements for proper development. The plant’s macroelements in larger quantities include N, P, K, Ca, Mg, C, O2, S. The plant absorbs microelements in smaller amounts, and the most important are B, Zn, and Mn, Fe, Cu.

Cal-Mag is an essential macronutrient for all plants’ successful growth and development. The need for Cal-Mag largely depends on the type of plant. Some plants need more macronutrients in the growth and development phase than others.

Importance of Cal in plant life processes:

  • Activation of some enzymatic processes
  • Inactivation of some toxic effects
  • Cal slows down the aging process of plants
  • Improves fruit health
  • The appearance of peak rot in some plants

Importance of Mag in the plant life processes:

  • Magnesium is an enzyme activator
  • It is necessary for chlorophyll synthesis and nitrogen consumption
  • It helps create amino acids, vitamins, sugars, oils, and fats
  • Helps utilize phosphorus
  • Neutralizes organic acids
  • Helps in seed germination

Deficit of Cal Mag on The Plants

Plants absorb Cal Mag the most during the flowering and fruiting phase, and deficiencies in these elements can significantly affect the inflorescence or yield of the plant itself. The lack of these elements in the initial plant growth and development stages is difficult to notice. The best preventive method is regularly adding these macronutrients to the soil before planting.

cal mag deficiency during flowering

Symptoms of Cal deficiency in plants:

  • Formation of chlorosis on younger leaves
  • Slower plant growth
  • Slower root growth
  • The leaves are twisting
  • Withered plants
  • Occurrence of peak rot in some plants

Symptoms of Mag deficiency in plants:

  • Chlorotic leaves with bright colors
  • Total jaundice with green veins
  • Leaves fall off
  • Chlorosis first occurs on older leaves, leaf tips and spreads inward
  • Necrotic spots on leaves

This can also reflect a common problem of Cal-Mag deficiency in external factors. There may be enough cal mag in the soil, but the plant cannot take it in, due to other reasons. Mag deficiencies are amplified by:

  • Very sandy soil
  • Acidic soils
  • Soils with high K
  • Cold and humid conditions

How To Solve Cal Mag Deficiency During Flowering

Naturally, Cal Mag is found in the soil and is absorbed by the plant through its root system. The problem can arise with heavy soils, soils with poor pH values, unfavorable weather conditions such as long periods of drought or constant humidity.

These factors result in plants not absorbing these two macroelements normally, and problems occur on the plant itself. The best way is to act preventively, even as early as planting your plants. We will try to explain some ways to solve cal-mag deficiency during flowering.

  • Do a soil analysis that will tell you how much Cal and Mag you currently have in the soil.
  • Use natural spring water to irrigate plants because they contain these elements.
  • Before each planting, it would be desirable to apply fertilizer to the soil in the form of mineral fertilizers.
  • During the growing season, if you notice the first symptoms of Cal Mag deficiency, fertilize the plants with liquid fertilizers that contain these elements. Today, these fertilizers can be purchased anywhere and applied by spraying (via leaves) or root irrigation.
  • Never throw eggshells in the trash. Just bury them in the ground next to your plants as they decompose to enrich the soil with Cal.
  • During cold weather, prolonged moist periods, or drought, use foliar fertilizers containing Cal-Mag.


Q: How do you fix Cal-Mag deficiency during flowering?
A: The best way is to feed the plants with clean spring water. According to the manufacturer’s recommendations, you can buy Cal-Mag solutions and other components and dilute them to the recommended concentration.

Q: Can you spray Cal-Mag during flowering?
A: Yes, you can use foliar fertilization with Cal-Mag solutions. If symptoms have already appeared on plants, foliar feeding is the best method for fast absorption by plants. The only drawback of this method is that you cannot enter more significant amounts of these elements through the leaves, so repeat this procedure a couple of times during the week.

Q: Do flowering plants need Cal Mag?
A: Yes, all plants need these macronutrients. Some need larger quantities, such as strawberries, tomatoes, and peppers, unlike other plants. Cal-Mag is most needed in the flowering stages and thus in flowering plants during the formation of flower buds.

Q: When does my plant need Cal-Mag?
A: All plants need Cal-Mag during the entire vegetation process, and the greatest need is during the period of flowering and fruit formation. It is desirable to add a certain amount of these elements to the soil during each year to compensate for those amounts that the plant has adopted. More significant amounts and more frequent use are recommended if symptoms reoccur on plants.


In this article, we have described all the crucial roles of Cal and Mag on plant life. We have tried to explain the significance of these two macroelements, their symptoms, ways of feeding, etc.

We hope you find them helpful information and understand the needs of your plants. Remember, only preventive and timely methods can save your plants when facing cal mag deficiency during flowering.


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