How Often To Water ZZ Plant – When And How Much Is Best?

ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is one of the favorite ornamental plants to grow in the home and office. The characteristics of this plant are that it is easy to grow, drought tolerance requires little water, and tolerates poor soil.

Therefore, the ZZ plant has become one of the top favorite ornamental plants of many people. The process of caring for this plant does not take much time and effort.

However, many people still wonder about the problem of watering the ZZ plant. How often to water the ZZ plant. When should you water? How much water is enough for each time?

To answer these questions, let’s find out more information in the article below.

How often to water the ZZ plant

As you know, the ZZ plant is a plant that can withstand drought and lack of water. The reason is that its root system is like small potatoes, so it can store water and use it sparingly for a long time.

how often to water zz plant

How long to water

Therefore, you can not water ZZ plants regularly and still see them turn green in a few weeks.

These plants do not need frequent watering, especially when you grow them in pots. Normally, you should only water 1-2 times a month when you see the ZZ plant showing signs of needing water.

One of the serious mistakes that many people make is the regular daily watering of the ZZ plant. This leads to waterlogging, root rot, and stem and leaf rot.

Another reason why ZZ plants don’t need regular watering is that they prefer indirect sunlight. Therefore, they are often grown in homes or offices.

In an environment without direct sunlight, transpiration will be more limited so that ZZ plants do not need as much water as other common plants.

In particular, you should remember that the amount of watering each time will depend on the stimulus of the ZZ plant and the pot or tray for planting.

How to water the ZZ plant

  • Water slowly with a watering can for the ZZ plant indoors and an outdoor hose so that the water gradually seeps into the potting soil.
  • Avoid watering the leaves and stems to allow the fungus to grow in a humid environment
  • Wait a few minutes for the water to seep into the potting soil, water slowly until water comes out from the drainage holes
  • After 10-15 minutes, drain off excess water on the top of the pot or potting soil to avoid waterlogged ZZ plant and root rot.
  • Water infrequently but you should water deeply each time. Deep watering is wetting the entire potting soil until the water overflows the drainage hole
  • You should only water again after the moisture in the soil has dried with a hygrometer or checked manually.

Factors that affect watering

Watering, fertilizing or whatever it is is impossible to have a precise and exact schedule. Instead, the care of the ZZ plant needs to be adjusted to accommodate external factors.

Here are some factors that affect the watering schedule or the amount of water each time for a ZZ plant.

how often to water zZ plant in winter (Season)

For each season of the year, the temperature and humidity are different, so the amount of water the ZZ plant needs will also be different.

Summer: Summer has high temperatures and strong light so photosynthesis will take place strongly, which will cause leaves to use more water. So you can water every 2 weeks.

However, if the weather is too extreme such as drought with temperatures up to 80 degrees F, you need to water every 5-7 days to prevent the plants from losing water due to the rapid evaporation rate.

Winter: ZZ plants also have a dormant period, so you only need to water them every 3 weeks. Be careful because watering in winter can cause waterlogging and disease.

Spring: You should only water until the leaves curl or turn yellow. At the same time, the soil has become completely dry, you can water it.

Flowering or growing season: ZZ plants are capable of flowering and they will need more water than usual. Watering 2 inches above the dry ground will help this plant flower more.

Size of ZZ plant

The amount of water and the watering schedule for ZZ plants also vary in their size. Larger and larger pots will need more water than smaller pots.

Large pots will also drain water faster than smaller pots. Therefore, you need to water slowly so that the water soaks into the entire pot instead of just watering the surface of the soil.


ZZ plant is a plant native to the rainforests of Africa. It prefers temperatures between 55 degrees F and 80 degrees F. If the temperature is below 55 degrees F, you should water less because the plant will be less active.

If temperatures exceed 80 degrees F, increase watering frequency every 5-7 days because moisture and transpiration will evaporate faster.


The ideal humidity for a ZZ plant to grow is around 40-50%. When the humidity in the air is lower, the heat will increase the evaporation rate. You can add more water when the soil is dry.

If the humidity is high, you need to limit watering to avoid waterlogging the roots. High humidity and waterlogging will be favorable conditions for fungi and harmful microorganisms to attack the ZZ plant.

The ability to drain water

Drainage is related to factors such as the composition of the soil, the type of pot, and the size of the pot.

Potting soils containing clay and sand will be less able to drain and hold water than conventional soils.

Pots like terracotta will help drain water and oxygen better than porcelain, plastic, or styrofoam pots. The size of the pot also affects the amount of water due to different water storage capacities.

When should you water the ZZ plant?

In addition to the basic elements of scheduling watering, you also need to watch for some basic signs as follows:

Dry soil: Check soil moisture with a moisture meter or test with your finger about 2 inches. If the soil is dry, proceed with watering slowly until the water overflows the drain hole.

Yellowing or wilting leaves: Leaves wilting and turning yellow are an early sign of a lack of water. Lack of water makes it difficult for leaves to photosynthesize and produce chlorophyll to create the green color of leaves.

However, if the leaves turn yellow and become soft, it is a sign of too much watering. You should distinguish carefully to avoid confusion.

Check the perineum: You can check the weight of the pot by lifting it. If the pot is light and there is no water coming out of the drainage hole, the ZZ plant needs water.

A few notes when watering ZZ plant

  • Water only when the ground is about 2-inches dry
  • Water in the early morning or evening when there is sunshine
  • Avoid watering at night to create favorable conditions for fungus growth
  • Do not water the leaves, because the fungus will easily grow and attack the plants
  • Water deeply and infrequently to stimulate the roots
  • Water the roots so that the roots quickly absorb water and store it
  • After watering 10-15 minutes, remove excess water on the ground
  • It is not necessary to mist daily to increase humidity, fungal spores will easily attack


You do not need to water the ZZ plant every day. The ideal frequency for watering is 1-2 times per month.

You should water after you have checked the moisture in the soil with a moisture meter or using your finger. Water if the soil has dried to about 2 inches above the surface.

To avoid watering too much or too little, causing the ZZ plant to grow slowly, you need to schedule watering in accordance with the seasons, temperature and humidity in the house.

ZZ plants need little water but they still need a fixed amount of water to store in their roots. For more information, you can refer to the articles below.

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