How To Apply Neem Oil To Soil?

For hundreds of years, gardeners have used neem oil as an organic insecticide to kill pests and diseases. Neem oil is derived from the seeds of neem trees (Azadirachta Indica). They are a plant native to the tropical forests of Burma, India, and Sri Lanka.

Neem oil has many effective uses to kill several common pests such as mites, aphids, and some fungal diseases. Therefore, gardeners still regularly use neem oil to spray on the leaves and stems of plants. However, another effective method that you can apply when using neem oil is to soak them in soil. How to apply neem oil to the soil. We will explain in detail the uses and how to soak neem oil in the soil to achieve the best effect.

Mechanism Of Action And Benefits Of Neem Oil

Neem oil is extracted from the seeds of the neem tree. Azadirachtin is the main compound found in the seeds of the neem tree and is used to control insects and diseases. The mechanism of this compound is to reduce the destructive ability of insects and disrupt their growth and development. Some of the insects that neem oil can kill include whiteflies, thrips, caterpillars, aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, and immature scales.

In addition, neem oil also has the effect of repelling harmful insects close to plants. Mollusks and ticks will also be destroyed if neem oil covers the whole body. In particular, neem oil will best affect immature insects and has a more limited effect on adult insects.

Neem oil is also particularly effective in controlling certain fungal diseases. This oil will prevent the growth of fungal spores and their entry into the leaf cells through the tissues or stomata on the leaves of plants. Neem oil cannot repair damaged tissues, but it does help limit the spread of the fungus to other healthy tissues.

Many gardeners prefer to use neem oil as an organic pesticide because of its safety on humans and pets. In particular, this organic pesticide can be used safely both indoors and outside. Moreover, neem oil has very low toxicity to some beneficial insects such as bees, birds, butterflies, or mammals. So, you do not need to worry too much about the harmful effects of neem oil on insects that are beneficial to plants for pollination. However, you should still not spray neem oil at a time when plants need pollination to avoid direct contact with insects.

how to apply neem oil to soil

How To Apply Neem Oil To Soil?

You may not know, neem oil can decompose quickly in soil, water, and plant tissues. It also has no negative effects on beneficial soil organisms such as earthworms or beneficial bacteria. In addition, neem oil can also be used as a substance to maintain moisture and inhibit the growth of some harmful insects in the soil such as root nematodes. So many gardeners are learning about methods to apply neem oil to the soil.

Gardeners can pour a diluted solution of neem oil directly onto the soil. This method is effective for handling larvae that are infected with flies, nematodes, and other harmful insects in the soil. When neem oil is applied to the soil as wet soil, the azadirachtin compound will also be absorbed by the plants as a nutrient. At that time, the whole plant from leaf to stem contains azadirachtin, like an insecticide. So plants can repel some insects like aphids or ticks that suck fluid from leaves.

In other words, when you sprinkle neem oil on the ground with a diluent, the azadirachtin compound will reach each vascular system of the entire plant. At that time, insects that eat leaves or suck fluids are also eating pesticides and they will be destroyed. In addition, when you water neem oil on the ground and near the plant base, it will also prevent fungal diseases and root rot diseases in plants.

Recipe For Making Diluted Neem Oil Solution

You cannot pour neem oil directly into the ground because neem oil is often cold-pressed to a high concentration and needs to be diluted to use. To create a mixture of foliar spray or soil irrigation, you need to follow the recipe below.

You need to prepare some ingredients as follows:

  • One tablespoon of cold-pressed neem oil
  • One teaspoonful of dish castile soap
  • One quart of warm water

After you have prepared all the ingredients, you just need to mix them together to form an organic pesticide mixture. You can use this mixture to water the leaves of plants or water the ground once a month to prevent and kill insects.

If you use neem oil to treat disease or insect infestation, you need to water it daily and regularly until the insects are completely gone. Each time, you should only mix enough neem oil for one use. You should also only keep pure neem oil in the refrigerator for 1 year.


Neem oil is one of the most effective and safe organic pesticides for human and livestock health. This natural insecticide is derived from the seeds of the neem tree and contains the compound Azadirachtin to kill insects and fungi.

Neem oil can kill harmful insects by preventing the process of eating and developing insects. In particular, this oil is effective against immature insects. Therefore, gardeners often use neem oil as an insecticide to spray on the leaves or water the soil of plants. Watering a diluted neem oil solution on the ground not only helps to improve soil moisture but also kills harmful nematodes.

In particular, neem oil does not affect beneficial insects such as earthworms to improve soil quality. To achieve the best effect, you should not over-water the neem oil solution on the ground. Because it can affect beneficial insects and cause irritation to pets and humans.

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