How to Propagate Philodendron Bipinnatifidum

The philodendrum bipinnatifidum is known by a variety of names, such as the philodendron selloum, lacy tree philodendron, horsehead philodendron, and also the philodendron hope. Sometimes, the term is shortened to ‘philo’.

This plant is from the family Araceae and is a vining plant variety. Fortunately, it is fairly easy to grow, known for their deep, large lobed leaves. If you plan to grow it yourself, you might want to consider propagation. Read on as I show you a helpful guide on how to propagate philodendron bipinnatifidum.

how to propagate philodendron bipinnatifidum

How to Propagate Philodendron Bipinnatifidum

One of the benefits this plant has is how easy it is to propagate it. When you create new plants from your philo, it creates an opportunity for you to hone your gardening skills and have more houseplants for yourself or loved ones, all for free!

One of the best methods to use is through using stem cuttings. So younger plants would be useless to propagate, you need to wait for their stems to develop and branch out before cutting a piece off.

Once your plant matures, that’s the time you can use its cuttings to propagate. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Prepare a sharp pair of scissors or knife, clean and disinfected to prevent spread of diseases.
  2. Look for a healthy stem you can cut off. This should be below leaf nodes and that you choose cuttings with a few leaves. That way, the leaves can help support your new and growing plant.
  3. The stem cutting will thrive best when placed directly in the soil. However, since soil propagation may cause fungus or rotting issues, it’s recommended to dip the bottom of your stem cutting with a good rooting hormone that also contains fungicide.
  4. Place the cutting in a small pot, covering its bottom with moist and high-quality soil. It’s best to place them in a warm area that has bright and indirect light. Also, when placing it in soil, let it stand in the pot of soil, tucking it in gently for support to stand upright.
  5. Now, it’s time to care for your growing plant! Ensure that the soil stays moist constantly. You can keep its moisture levels balanced by enclosing the pot in plastic bags.
  6. Monitor the soil regularly to ensure that is stays moist and there are no signs of rotting. Young and growing plants are delicate, being susceptible to diseases and pests!
  7. After a few weeks, provided that everything is going well, your growing plant will have a few inches of roots. You can see if this is happening by tugging on its stem gently, feeling for resistance. If you feel some resistance, then the roots are set and you can remove the plastic bag, as your plant is now water rooted with its roots being several inches long.
  8. If you see that your stem cutting is beginning to rot, do NOT panic. Instead, cut the rotting parts away and dip the plant’s bottom in wax. Doing so will help seal off its cut, mitigating the rotting as it would isolate the stem’s soft parts.
  9. Your plant is ready and can now be transferred outside or in a bigger pot! You can place it in a pot with well-draining potting mix and let it continue to grow.

This process can take a few weeks, or it can take a few months if done during the colder season. Once the propagation process is through, do NOT overwater the new potted cutting since the roots are still small and delicate. Fortunately, they will grow fairly quickly, since these are what philos are known for.

There are also other methods you can follow. While you’re able to propagate stem cuttings in soil outside or pot, you can also propagate cuttings in water. All you need to do is to place the cuttings in a jar of water and let it sit in a warm, protected area. Monitor its root development and transfer the plant once its roots have grown well.

Once it has grown, that’s the time to learn more about how to care for growing and mature philos!

Wrapping It Up

The philodendron is very easy to propagate, as long as you provide the right environment for it to thrive. Remember, the young cuttings are very delicate, so be careful with it and give much attention daily to ensure that the entire process goes successfully until it’s ready to grow on a larger pot or outside. You can then enjoy its growth and beautiful leaves that put out a tropical vibe, though make sure to water and feed it well!

Keep these steps in mind as you begin propagating your own plants. Good luck and enjoy!

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