Polka Dot Plant Crispy Leaves: Causes And Solutions

Your garden has a variety of plants with different colors and characteristics. The leaves are always healthy and lush with special care. Learn how to plant and find out the cause of the change in the leaves through our articles.

Polka Dot has become a familiar plant in every garden. You love this beautiful potted plant but wonder why the polka dot plant has crispy leaves. Find out the main cause of this phenomenon and change the care to cure the tree.

Please check the environment, humidity, planting location, watering, and nutrition to help Polka Dot return to normal with green leaves.

The Main Reasons Why Polka Dot Plant Crispy Leaves

The Polka Dot plant is a succulent plant with colorful dots on its leaves and is native to South Africa and other warm climates. When the tree is mature, it can flower and grow well for about 2-3 years.

With the right nutrition, soil, and a good environment, this plant line lives well. You may see some crispy leaves during the care process. Check for the cause and change your daily planting habits to help your plants stay healthy.

Soil Is Too Dry

The soil is always in a serious shortage of water. You put the pot in a location with too much light. And the leaves of the Polka Dot are not watered in time. They will burn and turn dry. This phenomenon will appear on the edges of the leaves.

Hence, the plant will not absorb water to the leaves in time. The foliage will scorch and wither. If you have pinpointed the cause, you can change the way you plant and prune the leaves so that the new shoots bounce back.

Water the plants well on days when the weather is dry or too hot. Ambient temperature and location of plants directly or indirectly with light have a great influence on the growing process. After checking the soil moisture, you can water the plant to keep the leaves succulent and grow again.

In short, growers should not let this happen often. They strongly affect the beauty and growth rate of plants. Take the time to care for the plant with its beautiful foliage.

Read more: Why Is My Polka Dot Plant Dying? How To Fix It!

Deficiency Or Excess Of Nutrients In The Soil

With nutrient-deficient soil, Polka Dot will also appear as crispy leaves. Add organic fertilizers and nutrients to the plants for healthy leaves and many sprouts.

In contrast, plants also appear these symptoms when the amount of nutrients in the soil is too much. You should stop fertilizing when you see the change in leaves. And wash off the potting soil before moving the plant to a new pot. Weeding the excess fertilizer salts helps the plant survive and stop fertilizing for at least 6 months.

Occurrence Of Fungal Diseases On Crops

Wet and rainy weather and high humidity lead to fungal and insect diseases appearing on crops or soil. Clean your garden regularly and use insecticides to save your plants.

When polka dot plant crispy leaves appear, you should pay attention to powdery mildew, downy mildew, and anthracnose. Brown spots quickly appear to spread and make the plant worse. Observe this transformation process and take timely treatment measures.

In moist, well-ventilated environments, powdery mildew thrives. Therefore, arrange space for plants and prune them to improve air circulation. Use scissors to remove any severely damaged leaves. Then you need to sterilize the scissors.

Control powdery mildew or fungus by using neem oil or a fungicide. The selection of the appropriate treatment depends on the disease process of the plant. Do not let the fungus spread to other plants.

Therefore, you need to pay attention to placing the tree in a light and airy location in case of rainy weather and high humidity. These are ideal conditions for pests and diseases, especially plant diseases.

Polka Dot Appeared Root Rot

When you water too much, Polka Dot root rot will turn into crispy leaves. Move the plant to an area with lots of light, wind, and heat, or do a soil change to reduce moisture.

In the case of soil replacement, you should choose a well-draining mix. Transfer the plant to a new pot with plenty of drainage holes in the bottom. Next, you need to check the soil regularly to have a schedule to water the plants when they lack water. Avoid watering plants when the soil is still wet.

Root rot caused by high soil moisture also leads to a variety of pests and diseases. Therefore, the process of watering and selecting the soil for planting becomes extremely important.

The Location Is Dense With Too Much Light And Frost

The outdoor environment often affects the development of the Polka Dot. When the leaves turn dry and brittle, check your growing medium again.

If you place the plant in too much or too little light, the leaves can change color and lead to disease. Spot this sign as soon as possible. You can prune diseased leaves and change the environment to enough light to keep the plant healthy.

Most plants need sufficient indirect light. With hot sunlight, the leaves are scorched and cannot grow as green as before.

In Brief

Every gardener loves his or her potted plants. The care does not take too long. So, you should pay attention to how plants grow, watering, temperature, and light affect the growth rate.

For any strange appearance, observe the plant and adjust the care. Polka Dot appears brown or scorched leaves at the leaf margins leading to pests of the entire plant. Learn the main causes to treat and keep plants healthy for your spring garden.

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