Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma vs Monstera Deliciosa

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma vs Monstera Deliciosa are two common plants that often confuse many people in terms of their appearance. They all have unique leaves and slits like floral motifs. So, you can easily get confused if you don’t look closely and use them as houseplants.

The special thing is that either of these plants is poisonous and should be kept away from children and household pets. What is the difference between Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma vs Monstera Deliciosa? How to distinguish these two plants with the naked eye? To answer these questions, let’s analyze the detailed information in this article.

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Vs Monstera Deliciosa – What Are The Similarities?

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma and Monstera deliciosa are similar in appearance due to their ancestry, family, order, and class. However, the difference in the genus is the biggest difference between them.

Monstera Deliciosa is a climbing plant native to southern Mexico. However, it can also be found in tropical climates like Hawaii. “Swiss flag” is another common name for this plant due to its heart-shaped leaves and symbolic meaning.

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a species of plant that lives in tropical climates, such as southern Thailand, Malaysia, Hawaii, and the United States. It is also known as a plant symbolizing love due to its heart-shaped leaves.

In addition to their similar appearance and structure, these two types of plants also have some things in common. Therefore, most gardeners tend to intercrop them to create a very attractive landscape. Here are some similarities between these two plants.

rhaphidophora tetrasperma vs monstera deliciosa

The Light

Both Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma and Monstera Deliciosa are native to warm climates. Therefore, they will grow and thrive in an area with indirect sunlight from the sun. These two plants will not tolerate direct sunlight for many hours because they will burn their leaves and turn brown. You can place the potted plants near the window with curtains facing the East so that they always receive indirect sunlight from the sun every day.


Rhaphidophora and Monstera are climbing plants that use aerial roots as support. Therefore, you need to create an ideal space for these two plants so that they can grow best in a natural environment. Use wooden stakes or fixed ropes to support climbing stems and cling to them.

Rhaphidophora and Monstera both prefer moist soils and retain that moisture for long periods. Therefore, they will grow well in a well-drained, well-ventilated potting soil. You should use a soil mixture containing peat, and sand combined with orchid bark to grow them.


Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma and Monstera Deliciosa both prefer temperatures between 55 and 85°F (12 to 29°C). However, they can still grow and thrive in warmer temperatures such as in the home or office. If you live in an area with extreme weather, maintain an ideal temperature for them and keep them from freezing and frosting.


As you know, these two plants both prefer moist environments and warm climates. The ideal humidity for their growth is between 50% and 60%. However, they are also able to adapt to environments with low or higher humidity. You must observe them regularly, and mist or water them enough during each growth and development stage.


Both Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma and Monstera Deliciosa are attacked by several insects and pests such as mealybugs, spider mites, and thrips. These insects will attack directly on the leaves, sucking the sap and creating small holes in the leaf surface. The leaves will then wilt, turn brown or yellow, and fall off. You should clean both sides of the leaves regularly with neem oil or antibacterial soap to kill plaque like fungus or insect eggs.


These two plants contain calcium oxalate crystals which can be harmful to the health of humans and pets. Some consequences include swollen lips, diarrhea, or mild poisoning. If you have pets in the house like dogs, cats, or children, you should hang them from the ceiling or balcony in areas where animals and children cannot touch them.

Difference Between Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma vs Monstera Deliciosa

Besides many similarities in appearance, these two plants also have big differences in science and shape if you look closely. Let’s find out the biggest differences between these two plants.


Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma and Monstera Deliciosa would have the greatest taxonomic differences. Some specific differences can see in the table below.

Plant nameRhaphidophora TetraspermaMonstera Deliciosa
Other nameMini MonsteraSwiss Cheese Plant
ClassLiliopsida  Magnoliopsida
FamilyAraceae – JussAraceae – Arums
GenusRhaphidophora  Monstera Adans

Leaf Shape And Texture

As you know, the leaves of both plants are heart-shaped. However, when you put them side by side, you will notice a big difference. The leaves of Monstera Deliciosa (2 feet) are much larger than those of Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma (1 foot). The height of the Monstera Deliciosa can reach 10-15 feet while the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma can only reach a maximum of 12 feet.

In terms of color, the leaves of Monstera Deliciosa are dark green and glossy compared to the light green of Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma. The leaves of Monstera Deliciosa have some elliptical or circular holes in the center, while the leaves of Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma do not have these features.

In particular, the easiest distinguishing feature in appearance is their young leaves. When the leaves are young, the leaves of Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma have slits and holes. Meanwhile, the leaves of Monstera Deliciosa will appear slits and holes during maturation.

Fruits And Flowers

Monstera Deliciosa will take 2-3 years to bloom under natural environmental conditions. If you grow them indoors, the chances of them blooming are very low. A year after flowering, they will begin to bear fruit and you can eat it. Meanwhile, Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma will not produce fruit that you can eat.

Growth Potential

Both Monstera and Rhaphidophora will grow and thrive indoors if living conditions are ideal such as sunlight, nutrients, watering, temperature, and humidity. However, in terms of development speed, Rhaphidophora is far superior to Monstera. Rhaphidophora is also one of the fastest-growing indoor plants.


In terms of price, Monstera is almost twice more expensive as Rhaphidophora. Monstera Deliciosa has an average price of $20 to $40. Meanwhile, Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma ranges in price from $5 to $20. Therefore, you need to check them carefully to avoid buying them by mistake.

Watering Frequency

The watering needs of these two plants are different. Rhaphidophora has a faster growth rate than Monstera, so its watering needs are also more. To ensure the best growth and development of plants, you need to make sure to water them adequately when the ground is dry.

You should water once a week or 5 days in the summer and once a month in the winter. Both of these plants prefer high humidity and moist soil. However, you also need to follow the usual watering guidelines to avoid waterlogging. Too much watering will make the root system difficult and root rot.


Both Monstera and Rhaphidophora can grow and develop in the absence of regular fertilization. However, adequate fertilization during the growth phase of the plant is an extremely important factor.

You can apply a liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the growing period and once a month during the following period for Monstera Deliciosa. Fertilizing Raphidophora is more complicated than that of Monstera because it has a very thin root system and is easily burned if the dosage is excessive. To limit this situation, you should use organic fertilizers or slow-release fertilizers to avoid excessive stress.

Potting Time

The growth rate of these two plants is also related to their repotting time. Monstera is larger than Rhaphidophora but has a slower growth rate. Therefore, its new repotting time is usually every 2-3 years. Besides, Rhaphidophora has a rapid growth rate, so it needs to be repotted sooner. Moreover, the root system of Rhaphidophora is very weak and sensitive, so it often suffers from root rot diseases or infections.

Some of the biggest differences between Monstera and Rhaphidophora that you need to pay attention to are below.

Rhaphidophora TetraspermaMonstera Deliciosa
Small-sized plantLarger-sized plant
Fast growingSlow growing
Change the pot frequently due to fast growthRepot every 2-3 years due to slow growth
Grows well without fertilizerNeed liquid fertilizer to grow
Height can reach 12 feetHeight 10-15 feet, leaves up to 18 inches in length
Does not produce edible fruitEdible fruit


Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma and Monstera Deliciosa are two similar-looking plants with heart-shaped leaves and patterned slits. Many gardeners often confuse them or plant them interspersed because they are difficult to distinguish.

In addition to their similar appearance, these two plants also share some growth and development characteristics such as the need for light, watering, temperature, humidity, potting, or pests.

Besides, they also have different points such as different genera, leaf size, plant height, growth rate, water and fertilizer requirements, or new repotting time. Moreover, their prices in the market are also different, so you need to distinguish carefully before buying to avoid confusion.

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