What Happens If You Eat A Rotten Avocado? Important Things You Should Know

What happens if you eat a rotten avocado?

Considering how expensive avocados are, it is essential to know if they are still safe to eat. So instead of tossing one because you assume it’s already bad, you can hold off and put it back on the table.

But if you’re absolutely certain that the avocado is rotten, then you should simply discard it. After all, eating rotten avocado simply won’t do you any good.

What are the effects of eating a rotten avocado? That’s what we’ll talk about today, so stick around to learn more. Let’s get started!

what happens if you eat a rotten avocado

What Happens If You Eat A Rotten Avocado?

Did you notice some molds growing on your avocado?

Obviously, molds are never a good thing to see on your food. If you see some fuzzy gray or white thing on the skin of your avocado, it means mold is growing on it. Never sniff or smell it because these mold spores can enter your body and cause some breathing concerns if you have allergies to it.

Avoid eating an avocado with a moldy exterior. The molds can easily penetrate inside, which means there is decay. So, just toss the entire fruit once you see mold – even if it’s only in a certain area. It is not worth salvaging something that can make you sick.

But here is the thing – you cannot simply die from eating a moldy avocado.

In fact, when your immune system is good, you can easily digest an avocado with molds… Just like any other types of food without mold.

Some molds are even meant to be present in some foods such as cheeses and dry-cured hams. But in the case of avocado, you definitely would not want it to be moldy.

Initially, you are likely to feel sick once you have accidentally consumed a moldy avocado. But it is not exactly because of some toxic components in it. The reason for the sick feeling is the nasty taste of the mold.

Getting Very Sick From Consuming Rotten Avocado

In some cases, there are folks who experience more than just a mild case of feeling sick after eating a rotten avocado.

For instance, they may have nausea, along with persistent vomiting. If this happens, then it is important to contact a doctor to address such conditions fast. After all, constant vomiting can result in dehydration, which is detrimental to your health.

Additionally, there are some people who have strong allergic reactions to some types of molds.

When this occurs, the symptoms go beyond nausea and vomiting. Some people may even undergo respiratory problems that can be an emergency medical situation.

rotten avocado on green plate

Naturally Black or Just Plain Rotten?

Another thing to look for is the skin. Hass avocados, for instance, tend to change their skin color as they ripen. When not ripe yet, the skin is bright green. But eventually, it turns into a darker shade of green and eventually brown once ripe.

But check for blackened avocado skin that’s mushy at the same time. This combo only means that your avocado is overripe and potentially spoiled.

In the case of the fuerte and zutano varieties, they remain green on the outside even if they are already overripe. So, don’t just look at the exterior; you should check for the firmness, which will help you realize if it’s still okay to eat or already rotten.

A good texture is firm but only slightly soft. But when it is already rotten, it will end up being stringy. Don’t be put off by fibrous texture; it is often due to growing conditions and does not have anything to do with it being rotten.

Moreover, the flavor and smell tell something about the avocado’s current state. When it is ripe, it would smell a bit sweet and pleasant. Expect a nutty flavor to it, as well. But obviously, once it’s rotten, it has a sour smell and flavor overall.

In this case, there is already some bacterial spoilage happening. Thus, you should discard your avocado. The sour taste and chemical-like odor only mean one thing – your avocado is rancid. When there is microbe damage that breaks down the unsaturated fat content of the fruit, these conditions arise.

Furthermore, rancidity is due to possibly toxic compounds forming in the avocado. So, you are better off not eating it.

Stay Safe And Toss That Bad Avocado

Generally, if the avocado has a blackened skin, molds on the exterior, or feels mushy to the touch, it means that the fruit is way past its prime.

Spoilage is already happening, and it is no longer suitable to eat this fruit.

A little bit of give and one isolated brown spot or streak should be fine. But if the entire thing is very soft, has a chemical smell, and tastes funky, you should just discard it.

This way, you can spare yourself from getting sick by eating a rotten avocado.

what happens if you eat a rotten avocado pinterest

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