When to Plant Strawberries in Ohio

Strawberries are such delicious and refreshing fruits that you can have for snacks, dessert, or just about whenever! Plus, these berries are well-suited for planting in your home garden, thanks to how they produce fruits quickly without requiring a ton of space. But you can only get to harvest these yummy strawberries when you care for them correctly AND plant them at the right time.

The time to plant strawberries depends on the state you’re in, as there are different climates and start or end of seasons to take note of. What if you live in Ohio? If you’re wondering when to plant strawberries in Ohio, read on!

when to plant strawberries in ohio

When to Plant Strawberries in Ohio

Strawberries are a popular choice for many home gardeners, as well as for commercial farmers as well. You can find most of the state’s commercial strawberry farms in Northeast and Central Ohio. Based on their planting schedules, when should you begin planting and seeding strawberries?

This depends on two things:

Where You’re From

In Northeast Ohio, you should plant strawberries between April 15 to May 15. It’s best to do spring planting when it comes to strawberries, once the soil has dried and is easy to work with. While this is between March and April, you’ll want to begin in April for those in Ohio. This is so that the plants are well-established before the temperatures begin to rise during the summer season.

Some people want to plant during the fall since they prioritize harvesting once the first growing season begins. But when in Ohio, this is not recommended, as young plants may end up being injured during the freeze-thaw cycle.

The Strawberry Variety

Did you know that you can divide strawberry plants into three types?

  • There are the June-bearing plants, which are cultured so you can produce a full crop in one season after planting. In Ohio, the ripening season of this plant variety would range from late May until the end of June.
  • Everbearing cultivars can produce a crop within the year of planting, producing two smaller crops, one during the late spring and another come early fall.
  • Day-neutral plants can produce fruit throughout the growing season.

The best to plant for home gardeners is June-bearing types, as they produce high yields of great quality. Specifically, you should go for June-bearing plants like the Earliglow, Guardian, Lateglow, Lester, Midway, Redchief, and the Surecrop.

You can also try day-neutral plants, such as the Tribute and Tristar, all of which grow well when in Ohio. These strawberry varieties should be planted during April or May to begin harvesting by late May or June.

But if you’re not particular with the harvest and can wait, you can try planting everbearing cultivars, which can be planted within the spring season.

Do you want to learn more about how to plant strawberries in Ohio? Check out this informative video:

Wrapping It Up

When planting strawberries in Ohio, you have to make sure you know when to start planting its seeds to have healthy growth and abundant harvests. While you’ll need to consider various factors before knowing when to plant your strawberries, it’s not as difficult as you’d think! With the right timing and proper care, you can have high-quality strawberries to eat and enjoy in the long run.

I hope that this article on when to plant strawberries in Ohio helped you out. Don’t wait any longer and begin learning more about planting strawberries for good fruit!

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