Calla Lily Care After Blooming – What Are The Signs?

Is the process of growing your calla lily as easy as expected? Although calla lily does not bloom or bloom very well, you also need to learn how to handle it afterward to take care of the next flowering season.

The beauty of this flower has attracted many planters and increased the beauty of the house with different colors. Find a way to own the flowers of the care process.

Flowering time is usually in summer and autumn. Therefore, enjoy the 3-8 week flowering. Then you should learn how to store the bulbs for the next flowering season to plant in the spring.

During the flowering period, the calla lily is heavily influenced by soil, water, temperature, and light. This care is extremely significant.

Next, we need to learn calla lily care after blooming. You might be surprised to know that lily is not an annual plant. They can be grown over the years with special treatment.

Calla Lily Care After Blooming – Important Tips

Before the harsh weather of winter, calla lily cannot endure this period. You should move the bulbs to the dormant stage and learn calla lily care after blooming. Join us in choosing the best way to participate in your work as a good gardener.

Calla lily care after blooming

The big rhizomes will give you big plants and lots of flowers. Calla flowers last up to 1 month on the plant. Grow lily full of light, moderate moisture, but well-drained.

Please enrich the soil with more organic matter in the fertilizer. All these factors ensure the flowering of the plant in the new flowering season.

With each stage of flower care, growers learn different experiences to preserve bulbs and ensure the development of buds and nutrients until the plant flowers.

It’s great if you already know all the ways to care for calla lily. With the correct care during winter, tubers survive and bloom naturally in late spring to early summer.

How To Care For Calla Lily After Blooming

Here’s how to care for calla lily, both in the garden and indoors after they bloom.

After the lily stops flowering, you should stop watering and let the soil dry. The foliage wilts and turns yellow. The flowers will also curl up and stop blooming.

Prune flowers and stems close to the ground. This helps the plant focus on producing more energy for the next flowering season.

You also do not need additional nutrients for the plant during this period, after the flowering season ends, the plant only develops leaf buds. This is not necessary if they live to winter.

Keep the bulb, let it dry for one week, and store it in a cool dark place during the winter at 10 degrees Celsius. Brush off the dirt from the tuber, and do not wash the rhizome.

This can cause them to rot. Wrap them in dry paper and ensure the most suitable conditions for the dormancy of the tubers. Check regularly that the tubers are not too dry or too wet.

If you are in a warm area, you can keep the rhizomes above ground until the next flowering season.

Replant the bulbs in the spring. Make sure the ground temperature has warmed to at least 65 degrees F and is free of frost. Check the nitrogen content and choose the right fertilizer for the soil.

calla lily care after blooming

Water enough and keep the right humidity for the plant to develop buds and flowers.

For calla lily to bloom the following season, you need to follow the above rules and start taking care of the process again before the flower blooms. With the best conditions, buds and flowers will bloom profusely.

Bulbs should be buried 4 inches deep and 1 meter apart. This ensures that the growth of the plant has enough nutrients and space.

Young shoots will sprout in 2 weeks. Flowers will bloom in 13 to 16 weeks.

Flowering depends on the environment and nutrients in the soil. If you finished preserving the bulbs of the previous season, you can see the fruits of your own this flowering season.

Make sure you can secure the elements before sowing. Share new experiences we have helped you.


These experiences help you throughout the process of preserving bulbs until the flower blooms and continuing to the next flowering season. Calla lily is a perennial plant.

If you pay attention to the process of storing bulbs, you will have many beautiful flowering seasons in your home.

Growing plants in the garden or at home also becomes simpler with the growing tips you learn. Carefully examine the factors before making any choices.

If you are wondering how to take care of flowers after blooming, you have come to the right place.

We help gardeners gain experience and discover many interesting things even when calla lily is not blooming. Let’s become savvy gardeners today.

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