Why Is Your Calla Lily Not Blooming? Find Out 5 Main Reasons

Calla lily is herbacokeous, perennial, growing along swamps and lakes. The flower season is most often in spring-summer. For flower lovers, the calla lily is one of the few flowers with such a strangely attractive color.

We can see pure white calla lily flowers in bridal bouquets. The white color is simple but strangely attractive.

calla lily not blooming

Plants can grow and develop even in harsh conditions, but the best living conditions for the tree are loose soil, moderate moisture, good drainage, and cool temperature.

Now, your time to figure out why your calla lily not blooming. Find the best remedies for your beautiful flower beds and perform better next season. Accumulate your gardening experience based on the tips that the article gives you.

Calla lily leaves but no flowers – What are the reasons?

Let’s find out the roots of why your calla lily can’t bloom after good care. Fix all the influencing factors of this flowering season to limit them. Then you can fully admire the beauty of the flowers and enjoy the best value.

The rationales we can give are nitrogen in the soil, amount of watering, light, dormancy time, and especially the quality of flower bulbs.

1. Nitrogen essentials for the growth of calla lily

Nitrogen is present in most major organic compounds that play a decisive role in the metabolism of nutrients and energy of plants.

It also plays a role in determining the photosynthetic activity of plants, providing organic substances for life on earth.

With the above significant features, gardeners need to control the nitrogen in the soil. If it’s in excess, you’ll see rapidly growing foliage, and brown leaf spots, and prevent calla lily from blooming. There are too many nutrients in the garden soil, and you don’t need organic fertilizers to promote blooms.

Calla lily not blooming

If nitrogen fertilizers are applied before spring flowering, it will only encourage the plant to produce more leaves, not flowers.

Plants absorb nitrogen from the soil as a nutrient through their roots. Nitrogen is added to the soil through the use of fertilizers or soil microbes that break down organic compounds.

Calculating the lifetime of nitrogen in fields for improved fertilizer use techniques to promote crop growth.

After the plant stops flowering, the flower bulbs will accumulate nutrients to produce flowers the following season. Test the soil for increased nutrients when you suspect the soil is depleted. The gardener can choose a balanced and versatile fertilizer.

It has enough potassium to stimulate root growth during flowering. You can’t give a plant a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to make it flower. We do not recommend this.

2. How to water and check drainage during calla lily bloom

Calla lily needs a moist environment to grow well. Soil should also drain slowly and avoid prolonged periods of drought. Lack of water will lead to yellow leaves, dry bulbs, stunted plants, and flowers that cannot be beautiful or even bloom.

Depending on the growing environment and temperature, you can adjust the amount of watering after thoroughly testing the soil.

Avoid over-watering, which will cause tuber rot. Calla lily transplants are done in the early morning or late afternoon when the sun is less intense.

If the plant isn’t getting enough water, you may want to transplant it somewhere that will get more water or make sure you’re replenishing the water it gets.

Most importantly, add a mixture of fertilizers and mulch to avoid smoky conditions in the spring. Help soil retains proper moisture in a new stable environment. At that time, the flower bulbs can grow well and bloom beautifully.

Check how the soil holds water. If the soil is still damp to the touch, stop watering to prevent the rotting of the bulbs.

Also, calla lilies cannot bloom if they don’t plant at the correct depth. Frost can interfere with this process or cause flowers to bloom only for one season.

Ensure all conditions are related to the bulb growing medium and complete this task with the experience of a seasoned gardener.

3. Plant calla lily in a sunny location

Light and especially sunlight help the plant bloom. You need to ensure a minimum of 6 hours per day for this process.

If the lilies receive too little light, they will be stunted. Plant them in a sunny location. Help plants photosynthesize and grow with the best energy your conditions allow.

In the case of fixed plants in one position, do not move them to a new location, prune the branches above the flower bed and reduce the foliage to provide light for your plants and grow in the best way. The following tip works for all plants in low light.

Also, dig up the bulbs in the fall and avoid transplanting them in the spring or summer when they are still growing.

4. Check the dormant of calla lilies

After the flowering phase of the previous season, create an artificial dormant period for your bulbs. After that, stop watering the plants to allow the soil to harden.

Move them to a new area in about two months. Thus, provide adequate light, nutrition, and water to promote the process of new flower colors. If you do not ensure this dormancy period, calla lily will not be able to bloom.

After the cold winter is over, the lily bulbs will develop to flower in the spring. Vernalization will not take place if your area is in Asia. Thus, you can ensure proper cooling of the bulbs before planting them to grow and flower the following season.

5. Ensure bulb quality and prune foliage at the right time

The selection of mature flower bulbs becomes necessary. Under new environmental conditions, flower bulbs need enough nutrients to develop a vegetative structure. Therefore, choose large and good bulbs to plant and ensure flowering.

Good bulbs will give growers beautiful flower quality. Use your experience through the flower seasons or put your trust in a perennial seedling store. And so, you will buy tubers of excellent quality.

In addition, check the growing space of the flower bulbs to ensure enough nutrients, light, space, and moisture. Choose a scattered planting method to create a bountiful flowering season.

Pruning leaves in the fall or the appearance of wilted and brown leaves also helps with bulb development. The stored energy will help the calla lily bloom in the spring.

Final Thoughts

After all, calla lily owners wonder “Why isn’t my calla lily flowering?” and “How can I make lilies bloom?”. Let’s see the causes of flowers not blooming and how to fix them.

Furthermore, we answer all your worries to help you have a beautiful flower season. Don’t forget to explore flower care and calla lily care after blooming here.

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