Can Monstera Plants Cause Allergies? (Solved)

Monstera plants are one of those plants that many people love to grow in their homes or offices. Their beauty comes from their heart-shaped leaves and unique slits.

Most people think that these plants are harmless and completely comfortable to touch. However, Monstera plants are poisonous plants and can cause some negative reactions to the health of humans and pets.

Can Monstera plants cause allergies? What symptoms will you have if you accidentally eat them? How severe are the reactions? Let’s find out more details in this article.

Can Monstera Plants Cause Allergies?

An allergic reaction is when a person’s body sends out an adverse signal about a substance. In theory, any individual can develop an allergic reaction when the body comes into contact with or breathes in a substance in nature. Therefore, Monstera plants can also cause allergic reactions in humans and pets. However, this case is very rare.

Monstera plants may not cause an allergic reaction, but they can lead to a red, itchy, painful rash on the skin and are completely unsafe to consume. It is because the resin of this plant contains calcium oxalate crystals. These crystals will produce a burning sensation and swelling similar to an allergic reaction.

So, not all plants are harmless and we can comfortably touch them without wearing gloves or protective clothing. In particular, the resin of plants is one of the parts that often contain toxic substances of plants and is often harmful to the health of humans and pets.

can monstera cause allergies

Are Monstera Plants Toxic?

You can completely think that Monstera plants are harmless and safe plants for human health and family pets. However, the resin of the plant contains a number of toxins that can cause negative effects on your health.

Some people with sensitive skin will feel this most clearly. If you touch the leaves intact and completely normal, you should have no problems. However, if you touch torn or damaged leaves that have sap oozing out, you may experience some problems such as a red, itchy, painful rash on the skin. In particular, children with weaker skin are more likely to experience this condition if the vegetable resin gets on the skin without being cleaned in time.

In addition, if you accidentally eat the leaves or stems of Monstera plants, you may experience some negative reactions from your body such as a burning, stinging sensation when the plant touches your mouth and lips. Then your mouth and lips will become swollen depending on the time of contact.

If you do not promptly spit them out but swallow them in the stomach, the discomfort will continue to take place with more severity. You will feel the burning intensity getting stronger and spreading down your throat. It can cause numbness and panic due to difficulty in breathing.

However, contact with plastic or eating leaves will rarely endanger human life. In most cases, you will feel some reactions such as discomfort, pain, swelling, burning, and nausea. Be sure to clean the plastic contact part and dry it, the discomfort should go away in a few minutes if the condition is mild.

Therefore, to ensure safety for the health of people and pets, especially children, you need to place the potted plant in a high and safe location with vulnerable objects. If children or pets eat the leaves, calmly remove them from their mouths, wipe them clean, and watch for signs of health over the next few hours.

Read more: Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma vs Monstera Deliciosa

What Poison Is In Monstera Plants?

The resin of Monstera plants contains calcium oxalate crystals. They are found in the sap of many other plants and are considered mildly toxic to human and animal health.

In Monstera plants, these crystals have a needle-like shape and when we touch or consume them, they pierce the flesh and damage the skin. When calcium oxalate crystals enter the body, they cause itching, pain, and swelling reactions. You will not be able to see these crystals or the damage they cause on the skin with the naked eye, as they are very small in size but can create a degree of damage to the skin.

Everyone’s reaction to this harmful crystal will be different. Some people with sensitive skin feel it quickly while others don’t feel anything at all. So, if you do plant pruning, you should check how the skin reacts to its sap. For your safety, you should wear gloves, glasses, and a mask while trimming to prevent plastic from getting into your hands, mouth, and eyes.

What If I React To Monstera Plants?

If anyone touches the plastic of Monstera plants or eats them, you should stay calm. Carefully wash the plant’s resin contact site with warm water or soap to remove toxins and soothe skin wounds. Alternatively, you can apply a cool, damp washcloth to soothe the red and burning bump.

If children accidentally eat the leaves, try to get the rest in their mouths. Rinse your mouth several times with warm water and clean your teeth. Then you should check how much they have eaten and how dangerous it is.

Usually, this reaction goes away quickly when cleaned up. If the swelling, redness, and itching persist, you need to go to medical facilities for examination and treatment. Therefore, the location to place potted plants in the family is very important. Keep them away from children to ensure their health and safety.


Monstera plants are considered to be harmful to the health of humans and pets. Their resin contains calcium oxalate crystals. They will cause negative reactions to the body such as burning, swelling, itching, and red rashes when exposed through the skin or eaten.

Usually, people with sensitive skin will feel this reaction more clearly. However, some people don’t feel it at all or react very lightly. Monstera plants will not cause life-threatening allergic reactions in humans or pets but are also unsafe to touch and consume. Therefore, you should use protective gear when pruning or cleaning your skin after coming into contact with Monstera plants.

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