Can You Plant Pothos And Philodendron Together?

Pothos plants and Philodendron plants are relatively similar in appearance. Therefore, many people often confuse when distinguishing these two types of plants. They are all plants with green foliage and unique patterns on the leaves. Many gardeners love to plant both of these plants together to create an eye-catching landscape.

Can you plant pothos and philodendron together? This is one of the most common questions that you can easily find when learning about Pothos plants and Philodendron plants. Gardeners think they can be grown together because of their similar appearance. However, to answer this question, let’s go through the detailed information and analysis of the living conditions of each plant in this article.

Can You Plant Pothos And Philodendron Together?

The answer is YES!

Pothos plants and Philodendron plants can be planted together and still grow and grow well. Both of these plants belong to the aroid family but they are not in the same genus. Although they are very similar in appearance, you can still distinguish them based on several characteristics such as the shape, size, texture of the leaves, etc.

However, to grow these two plants in one pot, you need to pay attention to the selection of plant varieties. How do you need to combine two different varieties to balance the habitat? Can they live safely and well in a container?

As you know, Philodendron plants are very diverse plants with many different varieties on the market. Some types of Philodendron plants have large variations in leaf size, stem, or growth rate.

Meanwhile, Pothos plants are usually small in size and creeping. Pothos plants are much less diverse and generally have a slow growth rate. Except for the Hawaiian pothos, most Pothos plant varieties have relatively small to medium-sized leaves. So you should choose Philodendron plants with the same size and growth rate as pothos plants to balance the habitat. If you choose Philodendron plants that grow too fast, they will quickly invade the habitat of Pothos plants. From there, Pothos plants will grow stunted and die slowly.

Here are some varieties of Philodendron plants that can be combined with Pothos plants because they have the same size, shape, and growth rate. These plants can live safely and grow together under good care conditions.

  • Heartleaf philodendron
  • Philodendron Brazil
  • Philodendron Micans
can you plant pothos and philodendron together

Care Conditions For Both Pothos Plants And Philodendron Plants

Both Pothos plants and Philodendron plants have similar habitats and care needs. So, planting a combination of these two plants in the same pot will not cause you trouble in the process of taking care of them. Here are some general principles you can apply when caring for these two plants.

Proper Watering

Both of these plants do not like environments that are too wet for long periods. They cannot tolerate waterlogging and are susceptible to attack by pests and diseases. Waterlogging causes the root system of plants to be destroyed. From there, water will be transported to the leaves and stems in an extremely large amount of water. The leaves and stems of plants will be swollen and wilted. If waterlogging persists for a long time, both Pothos plants and Philodendron plants will wilt.

However, these two plants are also not tolerant of drought and dry air. Maintaining an environment with ideal humidity will help both Pothos plants and Philodendron plants grow and develop better.

Some notes when watering these two plants for the best growth are as follows:

  • Water only when the soil surface is 1-2 inches dry. Check the moisture in the soil with a moisture meter or use your finger.
  • Water slowly until the water has completely absorbed into the soil and drained out.
  • Make sure the drain hole is clear to remove excess water.
  • Completely remove the excess water on the surface of the pot to avoid mold and harmful bacteria attacks.
  • Regularly check the moisture in the soil to avoid waterlogging.
  • Do not water the leaves in the evening because the humid environment will create favorable conditions for the growth of fungi.
  • Water according to the actual needs of the plants and the climate according to each season.
  • Limit watering in the winter because plants don’t need to use as much water in the winter.
  • Do not water too little because the plants will wilt and die.

Light Required

Both pothos plants and philodendron plants prefer indirect and warm sunlight every day. On average, they need at least 6 hours of indirect sunlight per day for photosynthesis and biological exchange. Many people think that Philodendron plants can tolerate a lack of sunlight better than Pothos plants. However, both of these plants will grow stunted and grow poorly if there is a lack of indirect sunlight.

They will become longer and lean towards the light. From there, the pot will lose its original shape and become drooping to the ground. Make sure to provide enough indirect sunlight every day for the plants to stay in good health. However, both Pothos plants and Philodendron plants will burn leaves if you place them in direct sunlight with high intensity. So choose a location with warm sunshine in the morning, shade in the afternoon, and good air circulation.

If you can’t find an ideal location for your plants, you can use LED or fluorescent lights to provide light for the plants. LED lighting can also produce light similar to that from the sun and help plants grow and develop better.

Proper Fertilization

Fertilizer is an indispensable sources of nutrients for the growth and development of plants. Both Pothos plants and Philodendron plants need nutrients during the growing season for better growth. You can use slow-release fertilizers to ensure a steady amount of fertilizer for your plants.

However, there is one major difference in fertilizer requirements between Pothos plants and Philodendron plants. Philodendron plants can absorb fertilizer in the winter for 6 to 8 weeks. Meanwhile, Pothos plants do not need fertilizer during the winter because they will enter the dormant phase.

Therefore, many people feel very worried and confused about the problem of fertilizing these two plants. However, you can completely stop fertilizing both of these plants during the winter because they can still survive during this time. Or you can use a fertilizer with a lower nutrient content for the winter. However, you should not over-fertilize plants in the winter because they can become stressed and wilt.

Ideal Temperature

The ideal temperature for these two plants to grow and thrive is between 65 and 85 degrees F. Both Pothos plants and Philodendron plants will not tolerate cold temperatures because they are susceptible to wilting and shock from excessive stress. level. The Philodendron plant will not tolerate temperatures below 50 F, while the Pothos plant will not tolerate temperatures below 60 F.

Therefore, you should keep the ideal indoor temperature for both of these plants, especially during winter. You should also not place these two plants in places where the heat source is too hot or too cold. The sudden change in the air from indoors to outdoors will also shock plants. If you want to move them outside, give them 7 to 10 days to get used to the outside temperature.

Suitable Humidity

Both Pothos plants and Philodendron plants prefer high-humidity environments because they are native to tropical rainforests around the world. However, they can still adapt to average indoor humidity. If the indoor air is too dry, you should add humidity by using a humidifier, watering, or misting several times a day.

Some of the ways to increase humidity in the home include using a fish tank, placing a pebble tray, using a mini room, a humidifier, or grouping plants together. From there, the water vapor that rises will maintain moisture in the air for the plants.

Regular Pruning

Both of these plants tend to grow long, so you should prune them regularly to remove old leaves and maintain a reasonable length for the plant. If plants only focus on growing in length, the leaves will be few and unhealthy. Regular pruning will keep plants healthy and stems stronger.

When pruning, you should cut below the leaf node and keep the leaf node above the stem. The tree will grow new shoots from this node, which will create a dense appearance like in tropical rainforests. Regular pruning will also help increase leaf size and limit wasted energy on older leaves.

You can prune during the growing season or before winter to help the plants conserve energy during the winter. When pruning both Pothos plants and Philodendron plants, you should use gloves because their resin can irritate the skin of your hands.

Some Other Plants Can Grow With Pothos Plants

Philodendron plants are not the only plants that can be combined with the Pothos plant. Here are some plants that look and live like Pothos plants. They are also an ideal choice to create an eye-catching look in your room.

Peace lily: Peace lily also has the same survival and habitat conditions as Pothos plants. It also has a medium growth rate and does not invade the habitat of Pothos plants. This plant has dark green leaves and is very pleasing to the eye. It also likes indirect sunlight, well-drained soil, and the same temperature as Pothos plants. Peace lily also does not tolerate soil that dries out completely or is too wet to lead to waterlogging. So you need to check the moisture in the soil regularly to water it properly.

Spider plant: Spider plants can be grown in combination with both Pothos plants and Philodendron plants because they have similar survival requirements. This plant also has the same living conditions as temperature, humidity, or fertilization problems as both the Pothos plant and the Philodendron plants. Although Spider plants prefer slightly cooler temperatures, they can adapt to medium room temperatures along with Pothos plants and Philodendron plants.

Calathea: Calathea would also be an ideal mix to grow with Pothos plants. This plant also prefers moist, warm environments and indirect sunlight every day. However, you should pay more attention to Calathea because it can require a bit more care than Pothos plants.

Arrowhead plant: Arrowhead plants can grow and thrive in conditions like Pothos plants. Although this plant prefers a dry soil environment compared to the Pothos plant, it can perfectly adapt to a slightly wet environment.

Episcia: Episcia prefers higher humidity, so you need to create an environment with enough moisture for this plant. Using a humidifier, place a tray of pebbles or an aquarium to help replenish the natural moisture caused by water evaporation. However, Pothos plants are also very safe to grow with Episcia because they can benefit from Episcia’s humid environment.


Pothos plants and Philodendron plants can be grown together in one pot because they have similar living conditions and care needs. They all prefer temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, high humidity, daily indirect sunlight, and good drainage.

Neither of these plants can tolerate long periods of drought as well as waterlogging. Therefore, you need to make sure to provide enough water for plants and well-drained soil to avoid waterlogging. You also need to fertilize, prune, and choose the right location to place the potted plant. Don’t forget to rotate the pot regularly to expose all branches to the sun.

In addition to Philodendron plants, Pothos plants can also be grown in combination with some other plants such as Peace lily, Spider plant, Calathea, Arrowhead plant, and Episcia. These plants also have the same conditions and care needs as Pothos plants. So you can rest assured to plant together and create a beautiful whole.

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