Companion Plants For Olive Trees – What Is The Best Trees?

The olive tree is one of the popular crops in some areas because of the wonderful effects of olives. Olive trees are often large in size and susceptible to insect attack when fruiting.

As a result, many gardeners often ask the question of what plants to best combine with olive trees for the best results. What are the best companion plants for olive trees? These are the plants that can help improve the health of the olive tree and create a harmonious color scheme and overall look in the home.

In this article, we will cover plants that will be the ideal companion of the olive tree. They will work to prevent pests or kill insects that attack the olive tree.

companion plants for olive trees

What Are The Best Companion Plants For Olive Trees? Plants Repel Pests

The olive tree usually grows outdoors, so it is very susceptible to pests and aphids, scale attacks. So you can choose some plants that are effective in repelling insects that damage the olive tree or attract the right bugs so that they destroy each other. Here are plants that repel insects that attack olive trees in the natural world.


This plant is considered the best companion for the olive tree. Petunias are very adaptable, require little care, and come in a variety of colors. This plant with a variety of colors is sure to create a vibrant space under the olive tree. In particular, it is these brightly colored flowers that create an effective barrier to keep out insects and vermin.



Marigolds are a flower that not only bring vibrant blooms to the garden, but they also repel insects when planted next to olive trees. This plant is adaptable, effortless to care for, and can withstand the heat of summer.

In particular, the scent of marigolds also repels many insects harmful to olive trees. So you can plant marigolds around olive trees to limit pest attacks.


Borage is an annual herb. It is also effective in deterring olive trees from pests and diseases and attracting bees for pollination. Borage is a favorite plant for honey bees, bumblebees, and small native bees.

In particular, all parts of the borage plant can be used in cuisine. So the plant species is not only useful to accompany the olive tree, but also to enhance the food source.


Nasturtium can be planted under olive trees or arranged in vines and bushes. This plant can lure aphids and bugs out of olive trees. The periwinkle is also easy to grow and grows very quickly with colorful flowers. So you can plant this plant to get rid of aphids and bugs from the olive tree more easily.

The Plants That Attract The Right Bugs To Destroy Each Other For The Olive Tree

Alternatively, you can also choose to plant plants that can attract the right type of olive tree bugs so that they destroy each other. The beneficial bugs will kill the harmful bugs on the leaves of the olive tree.


Yarrow is an easy plant to grow and does not require a lot of care or nutritional requirements. This plant also has medicinal uses such as treating minor wounds or reducing fever, etc. In particular, when you plant a yarrow next to an olive tree, it will have the effect of attracting insects and ladybugs, which eat aphids.

Dill or Fennel

Fennel is one of the most popular herbs in every kitchen. It is not only a part of the spice in every meal, but also works to repel ladybugs and ladybugs that eat aphids when planted with olive trees.

Dill or fennel

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm is an intense, bushy, and layered green for landscapes under olive trees. This plant has a very pleasant lemon smell and creates a refreshing feeling when smelled or eaten. Their small, white flowers help attract flies and wasps. These insects will be effective in killing harmful caterpillars on olive trees.


One plant that can make a good companion for the olive tree is parsley. This plant is famous for its delicious taste in many dishes and its excellent nutritional value.

Moreover, growing parsley under olives also brings a small green and attractive space. Like Lemon Balm, parsley attracts flies and wasps. So they will kill the caterpillars that are harmful to the olive tree.

Nitrogen-Producing Legumes Are Good For Olive Trees

In addition to plants that attract or repel insects, legumes are also ideal companions to the olive tree. Peas are planted with olive trees by many people because they can leach nitrogen into the soil. Meanwhile, nitrogen is a component that brings many benefits to olive trees in particular and plants in general.

You can plant pea plants for a while to allow them to accumulate nitrogen. After collecting the peas, you can cut off their stems and incubate them in the ground under an olive tree. From there, the nitrogen will seep into the soil and become a valuable source of nutrients for your olive tree.


Classic Mediterranean Herbs

Mediterranean herbs are also ideal companions to the olive tree. Some herbs associated with the olive tree include basil, bay leaf, chervil, chives, cilantro, dill, fenugreek, lavender, marjoram, mint, parsley, rosemary, thyme, etc.

These herbs have similar water and nutrient requirements to the olive tree. In addition, they can also be used in meals and culinary decorations.


Lavender is the most ideal herb to grow with your olive tree. This plant has a mild fragrance and effectively aids in the pollination of olive trees. In particular, its pure beauty will also bring an attractive space to you.


Thyme is used for culinary purposes and is popular in many cuisines around the world. It grows easily and grows well under the foliage of olive trees. Thyme can also be intercropped with other herbs to create a landscape and nourish the olive tree’s root system.



Oregano is also a Mediterranean herb commonly grown under the foliage of olive trees. It is also extremely popular as an indispensable spice in many dishes. Oregano is easy to grow and thrives under the foliage of olive trees to create an attractive landscape and improve soil composition.

Plants To Decorate The Space

You can also choose some plants that have a decorative effect when combined under the foliage of olive trees. They will help you take advantage of the open space as well as avoid erosion and loss of nutrients in the soil.


Bulbs are annual plants that bloom in spring and summer and are dormant in winter. This plant will help you decorate your olive tree in a pot or the yard. They will bring beauty to your space during spring and summer.

Succulent Plants

Succulents are also a great idea to incorporate into an olive tree. You can combine many different varieties to create a vibrant space with many colors. In particular, this plant has strong vitality and good survivability like a cactus. Therefore, they require little care and are not easily damaged.

Succulent plants


Santolina is an evergreen shrub of the Mediterranean. They are suitable in hot and sunny dry seasons. This plant can survive in a variety of soils and provides a beautiful atmosphere under the olive tree canopy. The colors of Santolina together with the colors of the olive trees are like a painting in the afternoon sun.


Germander is native to the ancient Mediterranean region and is tolerant of drought and harsh habitats. They are also evergreen shrubs and bloom like lavender.


There are many plants suitable for growing under the foliage of olive trees. Among them, there is a group of plants that have the effect of preventing insects thanks to their scent such as Petunias, Marigolds, borage, and periwinkle.

In addition, you can also plant some plants that attract beneficial bugs to kill pests such as Yarrow, Fennel, Lemon Balm, and Parsley. Legumes such as peas are used to improve the soil as legumes can leach nitrogen into the soil.

You can also grow Mediterranean herbs to enhance the landscape under olive trees and can be used in many culinary dishes.

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