3 Ways How to Propagate Succulents With Honey (Explained)

Succulents are attractive plants that capture the attention of many lovers of ornamental plants. We grow them in our gardens and homes to decorate our space. If you’ve grown them so far, you’ve certainly wanted to propagate them, so they can be as lush and healthy.

Namely, this is a newer method of propagating succulents with upbeat and exciting sides. In this article, we will help you learn new things about succulents, like how to propagate succulents with honey. You will learn about succulents, rooting hormones, and how honey affects this process.

All About Succulents

Succulents are a group of different types of plants that have common properties such as:

  • Storage of large amounts of water in the leaves, roots, stems usually causes visual thickening,
  • Possibility of surviving in harsh conditions due to water storage,
  • Many species have a waxy layer that allows them to conserve water.
how to propagate succulents with honey

Succulent plants are named after the Latin word suculentus = succulent, which justifies their love of water reserves. The most famous families belonging to this group are Cactaceae (cacti), Agavaceae (agave), Crassulaceae, and Aizoaceae. Aloe Vera is the most renowned representative of succulents dear to everyone. This group includes over six thousand different species from eight families. They originate mainly from North and South America, as well as Africa.

Succulent plants are very modest in terms of cultivation itself. For their growth and development, they seek the moderate warmth that is usually found in our homes. In terms of resistance to low temperatures, the plant survives successfully. It is efficient in watering as it stores excess water in its thickened organs. It is recommended to water every 10-14 days, depending on the succulent. They are most often grown in pots and placed in sunny places indoors.

Natural Rooting Hormones

Propagation is the process of growing new plants. When a plant is born, it can be by bonding pollen and egg. Most succulents propagate differently, which means using part of the parent plant to grow or propagate a new plant.

Succulents are propagation-tolerant plants. You can use root and stem for transplanting succulents, and the leaf is the most often used medium. The material for transplanting can be the leaf that we think is the most suitable, and sometimes just the leaf that we accidentally broke off from the plant.

Propagating succulents begins by burying the leaves in new soil, and nature takes on the hard part. From the leaves will emerge new roots and a whole new plant. Often this process can take a long time or, due to inadequate environmental conditions, it can be unsuccessful. To increase the success rate of succulent propagation, we use phytohormones or to be precise root hormones. You can buy these root hormones ready-made in the store or make them with your own hands.

Phytohormones are hormones that the plant itself possesses and are responsible for many life processes of plants. Some manage the operations of growth and development and the rooting of plants. Desired phytohormones that help us successfully propagate succulents are hormones that promote root growth and development. We can significantly speed up the rooting process by applying root hormones and ensuring that a new plant is formed.

The advantage of organic hormones is reflected in the fact that:

  • They are cheap
  • They are easily accessible
  • You do not use chemicals
  • Your plants are completely organic

The most famous root hormones used to successfully propagate succulents are honey, cinnamon, and apple cider vinegar.

Does Honey For Succulent Roots Work

jar of honey

The best known and most common method of applying root hormones is honey. This versatile medicine for both humans, animals, and plants contains antiseptic and antibacterial substances which protect the plant from pathogens and help form new roots.

When using honey, it is necessary to find a natural and of the highest quality, not one to which sugar is added. Today, it is not easy to get quality honey, but if you make an effort, you can be rewarded with succulent propagation.

No scientifically proven research will guarantee that honey gives the desired effect on plants, but from the experience of the producers themselves, it will soon become an irreplaceable method. Everyone who has applied this method of propagating succulents has noticed progress on their plants. In some, it was reflected in a shorter rooting period, while some saw faster growth and development of the plant itself. Looking at the healing properties of honey itself, a specific effect is guaranteed.

How to Propagate Succulents With Honey Step by Step

Succulents can be multiplied by cuttings or leaves only. The easiest way to obtain a large number of small plants is by using leaf-cutting for propagation.

The most common way to propagate is using water, but sometimes the issue with using water is the succulent can rot, or it will root. The roots could be too fragile that once you transfer it into the soil, the roots are not healthy to grow and the plant dies off.

So alternate ways to propagate the succulents are to directly place them in the soil, but it can also take a long time to root. In this case, using natural rooting hormones can boost root development.

Now let us see how we prepare the succulents for propagation using honey as rooting hormones.

#1: Preparation of Cutting

As we mentioned earlier, we can use leaves, roots, or stems for multiplied succulents. If we use the most common method of propagating succulents, we must take a certain number of leaves from the mother plant. The lower leaves, which are healthy and ready to form new plants, are usually taken. It would help if you took care not to take too many leaves and not leave the mother plant bald.

You can separate the desired leaves from the parent plant by twisting or cutting with a sharp knife. The leaves should be carefully isolated not to damage the parent plant or uproot it accidentally. If we use a root or a tree, separating the desired planting material from the plant with a sharp knife is necessary.

#2: Drying Out Leaf or Stem

After separating the desired planting material from the parent plant, it would be advisable for the wound to heal from cutting or breaking. Namely, by separating the leaves from the plant, we created an injury gateway for many bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other phytopathogens. The best method is to leave the leaves clean under moderate light and heat.

#3: Honey application

Dip the tops of the leaves into the honey. When a thin layer of honey is formed, put a leaf on the dirt. Do not bury them immediately. The leaves that lie on the ground will take root after a particular time, and only then can we plant them.

During this period, it is necessary to spray water on the leaf of the plant and the root that will begin to form. You can spray with simple household sprayers or spray bottles. Watering can be done whenever the plant is dry, i.e., approximately twice a day. When we plant the leaf in the ground, we can start with average watering. Initially, less water is needed for succulents due to small roots, and later the amount may increase.


Q: Can you use honey to root succulents?
A: Yes, you can use honey to root succulents. Honey contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help the plant keep its door away from pathogenic organisms. From the practice of users, this method accelerates the rooting process, supports and promotes the growth and development of plants. Honey is usually applied by simply dipping the plant in a bowl with honey.

Q: Can you root succulents from cuttings?
A: Yes, you can root succulents from cuttings. Planting material taken from the mother plant is used to create new succulents. You can use parts of roots, stems, and leaves. Leaves from which an entirely new plant is formed are most often used. The process lasts from the separation of leaves from the parent plant, drying, callus formation, application of phytohormones (optional), formation of new roots to planting a new plant.

Q: Will a succulent root in water?
A: Yes, succulents will root in water too. Parts of the planting material, such as the most common leaves, are placed in water containers. After a few days, new roots will form from the leaves. When sufficient roots are formed, we can plant the plant. The disadvantage of this method is that it can sometimes cause rot and death of the plant due to constant watering.


After reading our informative article on how to propagate succulents with honey, you could get your answer to the desired question. We have tried to describe the main characteristics of succulent plants, their living conditions, and the conditions of the environment in which they live. In this article, we have presented how to apply this method to your plants.


How To Care For Succulents – Texas A&M Today
Frontiers | Plant Hormone Homeostasis, Signaling, and Function during Adventitious Root Formation in Cuttings | Frontiers in Plant Science
Plant Propagation – Cooperative Extension: Garden & Yard

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