How To Tell If Snake Plant Needs Water – How To Revive It

The snake plant is part of the genus Dracaena called Sansevierias which has miraculous resilience with beauty and many different species. You will spend time taking care of beautiful potted plants. Join us to learn how to tell if a snake plant needs water.

This line is for absent-minded growers because you may not be watering your plants for days. Of course, you need to take care and adjust the watering schedule appropriately throughout the care process.

On the other hand, let’s discuss the symptoms and find ways to cure the tree.

How to tell if snake plant needs water – What signs to recognize?

To know when it’s time to water the snake plant, you should observe and check the soil and the appearance of the leaves. When the potting mix is ​​dry, you can add more water to the pot.

Take the time to check your potted plants at least once a week. Use a small stick to dig deep into the soil and lift it out. If the stick has soil, you don’t need to water the plant yet.

In addition, snake plants will curl leaves and droop in case of water shortage. This plant can grow in the arid regions of Africa, and the roots are also very resistant to moisture.

However, you find the proper care to create a stable environment for the plant to grow and sprout. The propagation of snake plants is also extremely easy.

Here are some signs that you need to pay attention to when watering your plants.

1. Dry soil

After buying potted snake plants and keeping them in the house, you should observe and pay attention to the watering schedule to check the soil.

And provide adequate water for the soil. If you have a lot of free time, you should check twice a week before the plants show signs of water shortage.

Next, we offer some suggestions for soil testing for your potted plants. You can press your finger into the soil at a depth of about 2 inches to feel the soil moist or dry.

Or you use a small stick to dig deep into the soil. If the stick turns dark, you don’t need to water the plant yet. Choose quality soil that drains well and is beneficial for your care.

Professional gardeners can use a moisture tester. Depending on different light, temperature, humidity, and environmental conditions, the rate of water evaporation will take place quickly or slowly. This change also takes place depending on the seasons of the year.

2. Wrinkled leaves

The leaves are wrinkled or drooping. Test the soil to determine the exact cause of the plant’s lack of water and water it afterwards. In some cases, roots that are too thick or over-fertilized can also cause leaf wrinkling. Snake plant will recover in 1 to 2 days.

This manifestation begins with the leaves at the bottom. They can rot. Therefore, you should accurately check and separate the shriveled leaves from the plant. With wrinkled leaves, they can recover their plumpness after a period of watering.

Finally, you try to check the soil moisture and show the correct lack of water to water the snake plant in time without damaging the plant. Watering is done early to avoid damaging the plant’s roots.

3. Bending, folding and wilting

If the plant needs water, the leaves will curl to limit the evaporation of water in the leaves and stems. Here’s how to protect against dehydration. However, gardeners need to check for this exact sign and test the soil to determine why the plant is lacking water.

With indoor plants, you need to watch the leaves. Signs of dehydration will appear as the leaves droop. However, if the leaves wilt, soften and wilt, your plant may also have root rot. They affect the foliage.

In this case, you need to remove the rotten leaves, lift the plant out of the pot to let the roots dry, and transfer to new soil until the plant develops new roots.

4. Yellow or yellow-brown leaves

If the snake plant does not have enough nutrients and water, the cells will break down. The color of the leaves changes and turns yellow.

This phenomenon occurs at the tips and edges of the leaves. In addition, too much sunlight will also affect the leaves. Hot or cold ambient temperatures cause leaves to change color.

In short, a snake plant that lacks water will have brown leaf tips. The tips are usually crispy and dry. Some brown areas may spread down the base or along the leaf edges. Observe this phenomenon to come up with a reasonable solution.

In the case of wet or dry soil, the leaves turn yellow or brown. After that, they are soft and smelly.

Why does the snake plant get dehydrated?

The snake plant is like a cactus because of its drought tolerance. Due to this feature of the plant, many growers are subjective with watering and care.

They tend to water plants spontaneously without checking the soil or the appearance of the plants during care. Different light, temperature, and humidity conditions greatly affect water needs.

The plant will lack water when the planting site has plenty of light, dry air, well-drained soil, and terracotta pots. You should add some peat, coir, or pumice to the soil mix to increase the water-holding capacity of the soil. This is beneficial to the soil’s ability to drain and increase the amount of oxygen with the required moisture.

Irregular watering leads to plant roots stopping growing. They will dry up and die. You need to destroy the old roots and provide the right moisture to the soil to grow new roots. This process is often less successful if you don’t have caregiving experience.

Test soil pH and determine nitrogen toxicity. Please balance nitrogen in the soil for good plant growth. Use the right amount of fertilizer at the rate allowed for each type of tree.

Read more: Best Plants for Office Desk with No Windows

Some measures to overcome the lack of water in plants

Once you’ve considered the symptoms and causes of a tree’s lack of water, you can change the way you care for the plant and make some necessary notes.

Choose the most suitable planting site and location for the tree. Check the soil regularly to water the plants on schedule. If your soil is too dry, water a lot until the roots are finally replenished.

In winter, you can water the snake plant with warm water (up to 27 degrees Celsius). Avoid over-watering while the soil is still moist. How to test the moisture in the soil we suggest in the instructions above. Are you providing proper care? Show your interest in plants so they thrive in the indoor environment.

Use organic or chemical fertilizers in the right proportions to add NPK to the soil and the nutrients for plants. This is also extremely important for indoor plants. You should not plant it in tight pots or hold water for too long to cause waterlogging of the roots.

In closing

The snake plant is one of the simplest plants in terms of care. Many people have propagated this line from the leaves. With the feng shui meaning and benefits of plants, they filter the air well and release oxygen day and night. What are the symptoms of snake plants when they lack water? Please give special suggestions for treatment.

Check some symptoms you can learn such as curled leaves, wrinkled leaves, yellowed or shriveled leaves, dry soil… Change your watering habits with care. You can create a healthy snake garden.

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