All The Common ZZ Plant Problems And Solutions

ZZ plant (Zamiokulkas zamiifolia) is one of the popular plants with simple meaning and care. They appear in many countries around the world. If you are taking care of this plant in your garden, search for ZZ plant problems and find the correct solutions for them.

ZZ plant has small tubers that lie under the ground. They will develop sprouts from the location of the bulbs, and it is easy for gardeners to propagate this strain from healthy leaves.

Different from other plants, ZZ has several characteristics and ways to solve problems such as yellowing of leaves, and stunted plants… that you need to pay attention to grow them in the best care environment. Let’s learn about ZZ plant problems with our article.

zZ plant troubleshooting and how to solve them

The ZZ plant appears in Asian countries as a tree that brings money and good luck. Therefore, they appear in every home or office. Will they grow well even if you mistreat them? Explore this plant with our care tips.

1. ZZ does not grow new leaves during care

You have selected the right pot and soil for the plant. However, the plant does not grow much during the care process. What influenced this problem of the tree?

First, growers should check the light source. ZZ needs indirect light to grow. Plants grow well in spring and autumn. Therefore, take advantage of this period to help the plants photosynthesize.

zz plant problems

Second, the roots grow to fill the old pot with the new old ones. During this process, the plant will not grow more shoots, and the creation of nutrients and repotting become extremely necessary the gardener needs to pay attention to change the way of care.

Plants will grow better with a new, spacious and nutrient-rich growing medium. Choose a pot size 1-2 times larger than the old pot.

Finally, the amount of nutrients in the soil too much also affects the growth rate of plants. This plant does not require a lot of nutrients. So, you fertilize the plant a few times a year and till the soil to promote the growth of new shoots.

If you are new to the ZZ plant, you should let the plant acclimate to the new environment. During this stage, the plant will not yet develop many new shoots and sprouts. The addition of biological nutrients from the composting of excess vegetables and fruits is good for any houseplant.

Also, check for the presence of pests or diseases or that room temperature that is too cold or too hot will also affect the growth of new leaves over the long term.

2. More yellow leaves

What causes the leaves of yellow ZZ? Are you worried about finding a cure for the tree? What is the correct way with this case of trees? Let’s find out the main reasons why yellow leaves appear a lot.

You will see some branches or leaves turn yellow or even mushy. As root rot spreads, the stems will soften and develop a foul odor. In this case, you should pay attention to testing the soil before watering more. Water the plant only when the soil is dry, and water thoroughly after each time.

To put it differently, the phenomenon of yellow leaves also appeared in newly purchased trees due to changing care environment. They need time to adapt to their new environment. Therefore, be patient with this period and adjust the watering and lighting appropriately with the growth ability of the plant.

If you plant it in a location with too much direct light, the plant may appear with yellow leaves. This leaf burn occurs in almost any plant that requires indirect light. In addition, the leaves of the plant turn yellow due to low light. Move the plant to a spot that absorbs more light.

Learn how to choose the soil for ZZ and get plants to grow in an indoor environment. You should not choose soil that is too sticky or holds water. Well-drained potting soil supports the growing process better than ever. Find the right ZZ soil through our article.

Another major cause of this ZZ plant problem is the lack of water in the soil. When the plant does not have enough water to supply the roots and leaves, yellow leaves appear. Check the water so that the plant recovers in the shortest amount of time.

3. Tree trunks leaning in different directions

After a long time of caring, you see ZZ appear with branches falling in different directions. The reason for this is low light. Rotate the plant to different sides to get the daily light evenly on all sides. In addition, you should also check to see if the plant is waterlogged. If the soil is too watery, the plant will shrivel and tilt its branches in different directions.

In addition, temperature changes will affect the growth of the plant. The plant is not suitable for hot or cold environments. Adjust the proper care to the environment in which you grow your plants, so they have a good chance of growing.

zz plant problems

When moving plants to a new planting location, this phenomenon may occur. Let’s fix some stems to bamboo sticks to fix the direction of growth in the next stage.

Once the plants take root, they will be ready for any challenge. Although this plant is not picky about the environment and care, you need to focus on the small changes to come up with the right solution through each stage.

4. Tubers appear on the ground, stems wrinkle

ZZ appears in bulbs and roots above the ground over long periods of planting. When you water the plant many times, you can see the roots on the soil. In this case, the grower should add soil to the top of the pot. You can water the plants to avoid soil drift.

Moreover, the ZZ plant can develop large roots. Therefore, you need to switch pots for them when you see a large set of bulbs. The appearance of tubers on the ground does not affect the entire care process. You do not need to worry too much about this phenomenon. Pay attention to adding the right amount of soil and watering the plants more gently than usual.

Wrinkled stems appear on some branches. Your tree is watering. Please add extra water in dry locations. It can also occur from too much light, low humidity, over-watering, root rot, or high temperatures. Adjust your care to help the plant grow at its best.

After a long time of care, the leaves are no longer shiny as before. To fix it, you should wipe the leaves with a damp cotton towel once a week. It will keep the surface of the foliage shiny, which also helps the plant with photosynthesis.

ZZ plant filters dust and air to keep the environment clean. The leaves of the plant appear dusty and dull. You can wipe the leaves daily with olive oil. These are also good for plant growth.

How to propagate ZZ plant easily

ZZ’s rapid growth surprised growers and they wanted to breed them. Learn how to grow your garden with lots of newly potted plants. You can then share with friends and family the new breeding methods. Learn how to nurse and propagate with the basic information below.

Cuttings: Cut off the stem at the base of your tree, cutting straight with a sterilized knife. Place the cut stem in the water. Then you can change the water every time you see dirty water.

Place in a location with indirect light to encourage ZZ to germinate. Once your cuttings have developed rhizomes and at least an inch of new roots, you can transfer them into the soil to allow the roots to grow.

zz plant problems

Then, use a pot with a drainage hole in the bottom so that the young plants grow well. Choose good soil for plants. Do not forget to check the location with the right light and temperature. The tubers of ZZ will swell and grow many buds. This process depends on the factors and nutrients of the plant. Water the plants for good growth.

Leaf cuttings: Cut the leaves at the base. Choose healthy, green, and plump leaves. Plug them into the soil 1cm deep. Soil should be open, porous, and well-drained while retaining moisture for faster growth of bulbs and roots.

Check the soil regularly for watering. After a few weeks, the tubers will enlarge and appear as small roots. Then the young stems grow. This propagation method is simple than cutting.

However, watch how long it takes for the plant to grow into a new seedling and separate the leaves into a pot before they have the roots.

Is ZZ plant poisonous?

Many people tell you that one of the problems with the ZZ plant is toxins. All parts of the plant are toxic to calcium oxalate. It can cause burning and irritation to the skin. If you come into contact with the sap, wash it off and keep it out of your eyes.

Animals eating ZZ plants will lead to sore throats, abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. Also, when your pets ingest ZZ plants, they will quickly develop symptoms of food poisoning.

When children come into contact with the sap of the plant, wash the contact area thoroughly. If they eat leaves, you have to quickly get them to spit and give them a glass of milk or some ice cream. More seriously, take them to the hospital to be checked.

Observe pets in the house and check if they eat leaves. You need to help them drink the liquid and put the plant in a higher position. Plant toxins also make them feel uncomfortable. Make sure your home is safe if you want to grow ZZ.

ZZ easily grows in harsh environments, even forgetting water. You should place the plant in a location with simple sunlight. Choose a space suitable for the environment, temperature, and indirect light, and water the plants after checking the soil moisture. With proper care, growers have the opportunity to own green pots.

Final thoughts

If you love houseplants that don’t have time to care for, the ZZ plant is the perfect choice for your plant collection. Plants help to purify the air of the growing environment.

You can completely forget about the watering schedule, and the plants will still grow well. However, keep a watering schedule and test the soil to create the best growing environment for your plants.

Every part of ZZ contains poison. Therefore, find a suitable plant location to keep it out of the reach of children or pets. Wish you have a happy farming time with ZZ!

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