Is Milorganite Good For Centipede Grass?

Centipede grass is a warm-weather weed commonly classified as a southern grass in the United States. Centipede grass is chosen by many people to plant in front of the house and create a green lawn.

The reason many people choose to grow centipedes is that they are drought tolerant, require little fertilizer, don’t have to be pruned as often, are easy to care for, and have low maintenance costs.

In both seeding and care, fertilizing is one of the important jobs as levers to stimulate the growth of centipedes.

However, nowadays you can come across many different types of fertilizers on the market, so which one is best for centipedes? Is Milorganite good for centipede grass?

Join us to learn about fertilizers and how to fertilize centipede grass to get the best results.

Is Milorganite Good For Centipede Grass?

The answer is yes! Milorganite fertilizer is also considered one of the suitable fertilizers for Centipedes and Bermuda.

Milorganite fertilizers contain slow-release nutrients and are available to meet nutrient needs when centipedes need them.

is milorganite good for centipede grass

Milorganite contains at least 80% nitrogen and is insoluble in water, microorganisms in the soil will help transport nutrients in Milorganite to plant roots.

Microorganisms will become active when the moisture in the soil is between 55 and 85 degrees F and break down the nutrients contained in the fertilizer.

If conditions are not favorable in terms of moisture and water availability, the nutrients in Milorganite will remain in that location and not be lost.

When the conditions are right, the nutrients will break down and provide the centipede grass. The nutrients in Milorganite will release slowly over a period of about 10 weeks.

The long-term nutritional supplement will help centipede grass grow evenly, the roots go deep into the ground and create favorable conditions when the centipede grass enters the stage of maturity and rapid growth.

Read more: Can You Mix Zoysia And Centipede?

How To Fertilize Milorganite To Suit Centipede Grass?

Centipede grass does not need too many nutrients at a time so you can fertilize Milorganite in spring and summer.

In the spring, you should fertilize the centipede grass after the last frost and when the centipede grass begins to grow rapidly. You need to check the weather temperature and the temperature in the soil before fertilizing.

If you fertilize the centipedes too early, they will develop the tops and leaves quickly instead of focusing on the roots to dig deep into the soil and be able to withstand the upcoming summer drought.

In addition, you should not fertilize Milorganite in late autumn and autumn because the centipede grass has already entered the dormant stage when the cold weather and good weather begin.

Fertilizing at this time will stimulate the centipede grass to grow many tops and make them weaker under the negative effects of winter weather.

You should last fertilize in the fall, at least a month before when the centipedes begin to hibernate and receive the first frosts.

What Other Fertilizers Are Suitable For Centipede Grass?

Fertilizers that are high in nitrogen and potassium and low in phosphorus are the ideal choice for centipedes. So, in addition to Milorganite fertilizer, you can refer to some fertilizers below for alternatives.

Simple Lawn Solutions

This fertilizer is specially designed to overcome the condition of sparse lawns, and weak grasses caused by a large amount of nitrogen and potassium deficiency in the soil environment.

In addition to high nitrogen and potassium content, Simple Lawn Solutions fertilizers also contain compounds of humic and fulvic acids to balance nutrients in the soil.

Products of Simple Lawn Solutions are loved to use fertilizer for centipedes because it will stimulate the centipede grass to grow much faster and greener. In particular, fertilizers in the form of sprays are easy to use and highly effective.


Fertilome fertilizer is a slow-release fertilizer that helps maintain the steady growth of centipedes by providing nutrients such as nitrogen and iron.

This fertilizer is especially effective for lawns that are lush but sparse and need to increase the density of centipedes.

In particular, Fertilome’s products are made specifically for centipede grass, so you can be completely assured of the quality and suitability of this fertilizer for centipedes.

Scotts Turf Builder

Scotts Turf Builder’s fertilizer is a balanced blend of nutrients of nitrogen, iron, and potassium.

Scotts Turf Builder’s fertilizer is especially effective in protecting centipedes from heat and drought caused by water shortages and dryness.

The nutrient level of this fertilizer is light and medium so it won’t burn the leaves and taste of the centipedes. Scotts Turf Builder fertilizer is also slow release so it works for 3 months.

LawnStar’s Green-Up Lawn Booster

This is a blend of nutrients including nitrogen, iron and manganese that promotes the green color of centipedes. The nitrogen content in LawnStar’s Green-Up Lawn Booster is released in two ways.

1/3 of the slow release nitrogen to ensure long-term nutrition for the centipedes, while 2/3 of the immediate release nitrogen will provide nutrients quickly.

In addition, the release of nitrogen in these two ways will always ensure the required amount of nutrients for the centipedes in each stage because the centipede grass cannot absorb too many nutrients at the same time.

These are 4 popular fertilizers that you can also refer to in addition to the choice of fertilizer Milorganite. These fertilizers all have high nitrogen and potassium content and belong to the group of slow-release fertilizers that will help centipede grass grow quickly and achieve the best effect.


Centipede grass is drought tolerant grass that cannot live in full shade, does not require too many nutrients, has a dormant period, and grows again when the weather is warm.

Centipede grass needs to be fertilized in spring and summer to stimulate root growth to withstand summer drought and winter hardiness.

You should not fertilize in the fall because centipede grass will grow many leaves and tops, so it will be weak to the bad effects of winter weather.

Therefore, you need to use Milorganite fertilizer or other slow-release fertilizers to provide adequate nutrients for centipedes in the soil and they can be easily absorbed under favorable conditions.

1 thought on “Is Milorganite Good For Centipede Grass?”

  1. Hello I am a confused new homeowner with no spare help. The centipede grass here is very sparse it is 82° today and I’ve been pulling weeds. I want to put milorganic down. Probably should have done it before it got so dry here. It’s 50% rain tomorrow and 79°. My question is can I go ahead and put that out or should I use a different fertilizer to begin with. I was thinking that maybe if I use it it would help the grass grow and choke out the weeds. But I’m clueless I appreciate any advice thank you.


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