Putting Aerial Roots In Water? (What To Do)

Vines or plants with roots that grow in the air are one of the plants that many people love to grow in the home or office. They are often hung on windows, desks and become indispensable decorations in many spaces. With the right ambient light and humidity conditions, many growers have grown different varieties of this strain. Monstera is one of the plants of this group.

At a long stage of growth, you will see the roots reaching out and you wonder about putting aerial roots in water. This ensures enough water for the roots, but you also wonder about the vitality of Monstera plant. Does putting roots in water help plants grow better? Will this action increase the prevalence of root rot of Monstera plants? So, let’s find out what causes roots to appear and how to deal with them during your care journey.

Putting Aerial Roots In Water – Should Or Should Not?

Most Monstera mature plants develop a root system with numerous accessory roots surrounding the main root. They appear both above ground and below ground. This makes you extremely surprised and looks for the best advice for plant growth.

Placing excess roots of Monstera plants in water can expose you to several disadvantages such as root rot or making the plant dependent on this extra root rather than an underground root. With roots growing out of the ground, they can adapt to this and help the plant draw enough water from the main root.

First, root rot occurs when bacteria enter the water, growers forget to change the water, and plant roots begin to decompose causing plant diseases. Submerging plant roots in water prevents them from receiving enough oxygen during their growth in the new environment. If this happens, you should cut off the rotten roots to avoid spreading.

Next, autotrophic roots growing in water will make Monstera plant dependent on this root and not develop underground roots. The underground roots help the plant absorb nutrients and water in the soil. This process should not be reversed in any plant species.

From this critical analysis, you should make the best decision for Monstera plant. You are not required to place aerial roots in the water to stimulate plant growth and growth. You should remember that the underground root system is still the most important factor. Their job is to absorb water, nutrients and minerals necessary for plant growth. The aerial roots can be used to propagate and increase the number of that plant.

If you are moving Monstera aerial roots into the water, you need to make sure the water is clean, free of dirt and chemicals to avoid injuring the plants. You should use rainwater, filtered or distilled water to grow plants in water. Because tap water often contains chemicals that affect the health of plants. If you must use tap water, let it sit overnight and remove any surface deposits before watering the plants.

putting aerial roots in water

Why Do Monstera Plants Have Aerial Roots?

In the growing medium, aerial roots help Monstera plants hold onto the object it is climbing. They can choose a location to cling to and grow firmly at the same time as underground roots.

Monstera plants always grow at a rapid rate. And the height of the tree also changes over a certain period. To meet the growing needs of Monstera plants, the aerial roots have the role of absorbing nutrients and moisture from the air or finding new locations to help the plant grow.

In addition, these roots can also attach to the soil and grow as underground roots to provide nutrients for new growth. So, if your Monstera plants are large with lots of aerial roots, you can put them in a cup of water to help the plant absorb more water.

However, never replace the underground root system in the soil with aerial roots to absorb water. Because the underground root system will sustain the main life of the entire plant. They absorb nutrients, water and minerals needed by plants. The extra roots in the air only have the effect of supporting and absorbing extra water for Monstera plants. However, they cannot replace the underground root system in the soil even if they are present in large numbers.

What Can You Do With Aerial Roots Of Monstera Plants?

Many people think about misting these roots. Of course, with dry weather, you can add some water to the aerial roots and help Monstera plants absorb some nutrients. This should not be done too often. You only need to do it when you are free and when the environment is too dry. Because misting only provides temporary moisture for plants and water vapor will quickly rise. In addition, continuous misting also makes leaves wet and creates favorable conditions for harmful fungi and bacteria to grow.

Some people think about filling these vital roots into the soil. This is not necessary. The roots can grow or climb anywhere and even spread above the ground. Let them grow naturally with new meanings. If you cover the secondary roots in the ground, they will also not be able to replace or function as the main underground root system. You should let them grow freely in the air or cling to moss piles to absorb moisture and increase the connection between plants and branches.

You can also cut the aerial roots because they are of no particular significance to plant growth. They can help plants absorb more water for plants, but not enough water that plants need every day. However, you should use clean and disinfected scissors to prevent harmful fungi and bacteria from entering the open wound. You should not cut too many extra roots at one time because the plant can be stressed from losing a lot of sap or open wounds at the same time. Prune the extra roots if they are old or have no effect on the plant.

How To Put Aerial Roots Of Monstera Plants In Water?

If you love to put extra roots of Monstera plants in water, you can follow some guidelines below. However, you need to make sure to change the water regularly if the water is dirty or provides nutrients in the water. You should regularly check the secondary roots and clean them to remove dirt and the risk of root rot in the water.

  • Use a cup or plastic bottle so that the roots can be placed inside. Use a glass beaker for easy observation of root growth and easy cleaning.
  • Fill the cup with water to cover 1/2 of the extra roots.
  • After a few weeks small white roots will sprout. Therefore, you need to add more water when you see that the water has run out.
  • Use a hydroponic solution with the nutrients needed to nourish healthy roots.
  • Add liquid fertilizers or specialized fertilizers in the hydroponic environment to stimulate root growth.
  • You can also use new rooting branches for propagation.

After All

You can put aerial roots of Monstera plants in water but you face plant problems like root rot, blackening, or leaf damage, which takes away the importance of underground roots. Switch to misting care for these life-giving roots and get them to stick to the ground or mossy poles with the right moisture naturally.

Some plant lines have the characteristic of aerial root development. This is very natural. And you don’t need to do anything to interfere with this development. Some gardening enthusiasts can cut branches that contain aerial roots to plug into the water and make them grow as a seedling before transferring them into the soil. This method is very interesting. Observe the growth rate of the tree and make the correct final decision. Happy gardener!

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